Acid Attacks Rock London
Dan lyman | Friday, April 26, 2019 -- 7:08 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Friday, April 26, 2019 -- 7:09 PM EDT***

Nothing to see here. Everything's fine!

Two victims were hospitalized in separate acid attacks in London on the same day.

A 21-year-old man was brought to hospital after an assault in northeast London that also left him with cuts to his hands, presumably inflicted by a knife, according to police.

“Officers attended and found a 21-year-old man who had been assaulted, with a corrosive substance thrown over his face,” Metropolitan police said.

“The man has been taken to an east London hospital. His injuries are not being treated as life-threatening or life-changing.”

No suspects have been apprehended at the time of this writing.

Hours later, a 29-year-old man was rushed to hospital after a burning liquid was thrown on him in Tower Hamlets, London.

We're dealing with an incident at around 5.40pm in which a substance, believed to be ammonia, was thrown at a 29-yr-old man in the area of Roman Rd, E3. The victim was taken to hospital. Thankfully we understand injuries are not serious. Investigation is underway; no arrest yet

Tower Hamlets Police (@MPSTowerHam) December 27, 2018

“We're dealing with an incident at around 5.40pm in which a substance, believed to be ammonia, was thrown at a 29-yr-old man in the area of Roman Rd, E3,” Tower Hamlets police tweeted. “The victim was taken to hospital. Thankfully we understand injuries are not serious. Investigation is underway; no arrest yet.”

London is now considered the “acid attack capital of the world” after a six-fold increase of the barbaric practice since 2012, and over 2,000 such attacks in the last three years alone.

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