Are We Living in 1984?
Clarion Project | Tuesday, September 25, 2018 -- 6:00 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 -- 6:39 PM EDT***

Post Obama world where Communism is good, jihad is just a religion and Obama is responsible for Trump's economy.

***Article first published by 'Clarion Project' Sept. 25, 2018***

In a scene reminiscent of living in 1984 (George Orwell’s dystopian novel), French politician Marine Le Pen has been ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation as part of the suit being brought against her by the French government for tweeting out an image that depicted the horrors of ISIS.

Shortly after the ISIS terror attacks in Paris in November 2015 that killed 130 people and sent shock waves throughout the world, Le Pen tweeted, “Daesh [ISIS] is this!” accompanied by a photo of ISIS’ beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley as well as two other graphic images.

Le Pen later deleted the images of Foley after being contacted by his parents, saying that she hadn’t realized whom the picture depicted.

Three years later in March 2018, she was charged with circulating “violent messages that incite terrorism or pornography or seriously harm human dignity” and that could be viewed by a minor.

The previous year, the European parliament voted to strip Le Pen of her parliamentary immunity allowing the suit to go forward.

At the time, Le Pen remarked, “I am being charged for having condemned the horrors of Daesh. In other countries this would have earned me a medal.”

The psychiatric evaluation is to determine is she “is capable of understanding remarks and answering question.” The government claims it is an “automatic” procedure for this type of charges.

Le Pen does not plan on complying with the order. Taking again to Twitter, she said, “I thought I had been through it all: well, no! For denouncing the horrors of Daesh (ISIS) by tweets the ‘justice system’ has referred me for a psychiatric assessment. How far will they go?!”

Je croyais avoir eu droit à tout : eh bien non ! Pour avoir dénoncé les horreurs de #Daech par tweets, la « justice » me soumet à une expertise psychiatrique ! Jusqu’où vont-ils aller ?! 🤯 MLP

Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) September 20, 2018

She also tweeted out a photograph of the order, commenting, “It’s sheer madness! This regime is really starting to worry me.”

C’est proprement HALLUCINANT. Ce régime commence VRAIMENT à faire peur. MLP

Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) September 20, 2018

If convicted, Le Pen faces up to three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros ($91,000).

Le Pen lost to current French president Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential elections in 2017.

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