Cassandra Fairbanks | Sunday, February 3, 2019 -- 8:22 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, February 3, 2019 -- 8:26 PM EST***

Red Dawn is here.

***Article first published by 'Gateway Pundit' on Jan. 9, 2019***

An Antifa Twitter account has posted the home addresses, phone numbers, and social media accounts of what appears to be the entire staff at the Daily Caller.

The collection of personal information belonging to those at the Caller was posted hours after Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that Republicans have been circulating a fake nude photo of her, which she said was subsequently published by the Daily Caller.

The website had published a story about how people on the internet were claiming a not-so-scandalous photo of legs in a bathtub was of the New York Rep., but later corrected the article to clarify that it was not her.

For those out of the loop, Republicans began to circulate a fake nude photo of me. The @DailyCaller reposted it (!) and refused to indicate it was fake in the title as well.

Completely disgusting behavior from Conservative outlets.
No wonder they defended Kavanaugh so fiercely.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 10, 2019

The post containing the information about the website’s staff does not mention Ocasio-Cortez, but takes aim at Tucker Carlson.

“Tucker Carlson is a scum bag. We are targetting the Daily Caller because of its promotion of white supremacist hate speech targetted at POC, immigrants, and the Left, as well as its own history of doxxing. Founded by the notorious white supremacist Tucker Carlson, the Daily Caller promoted Jason Kessler’s Unite the Right demontration in Charlottesville, VA, which infamously culminated with the death of Heather Heyer, as well scarring thousands of onlookers. The Daily Caller staff are all complicit in promoting racist propaganda. We know where you sleep at night. We know you’re all a bunch of shit head rich kids with no moral fiber. We want you out of politics and out of the way,” the post, which we have decided not to link to, reads."

The tweet of the personal information included a gif of white nationalist Richard Spencer declaring that “Antifa has won.” We are not including the tweet as we do not want to promote the spread of this information.

On Wednesday, Carlson received hate mail at his home wishing death upon his daughters, according to a source in the DC Metropolitan Police Department. It was sent by US mail and suggested that his children should be poisoned. The source of the letter is currently under investigation.

The very detailed dox includes personal information including home addresses and phone numbers for Editor in Chief Geoff Ingersoll, Editorial Director Vince Coglianese, Executive Editor Paul Conner, Ginni Thomas, Audrey Conklin, Derek Draplin, Virginia Kruta, Eric Lieberman, Eric Owens, Mike Piccione, David Sivak, Amber Athey, Saagar Enjeti, David Hookstead, Derek Hunter, Heather Hunter, Richie McGinniss, Guillaume Pierre-Louis, Stephanie Hamill, Benny Johnson, Betsy Rothstein, Jena Greene, Mike Brest, Will Ricciardella, John Wellington, Andrew Kerr, Brian Danza, Margaret Crilley, Neil Stevens, Patrick Kuo, Chad Ryan Brady, Krista Staley, Jack Kocsis, Ford Springer, and many more.

The poster took aim not only at editors and reporters, but the advertising staff as well.

In November, hours after an Antifa mob showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, an affiliated Twitter account published his home address and the home address of his brother Buckley Carlson — along with the addresses of Ann Coulter, Daily Caller’s Neil Patel, and Sean Hannity.

The leftist mob had showed up at his home chanting threats such as, “Tucker Carlson we will fight, we know where you sleep at night!”

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