Bernie Sanders Won't Condemn Protesters Harassing Republicans: 'We Need To Mobilize'
Emily Zanotti | Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 10:22 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 10:23 AM EST***

Bernie Sanders, a Communist, is joining the calls for mob intimidation and violence of their political opponents.

***Article first published by 'The Daily Wire' on Oct. 14, 2018***

Vermont Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders refused to condemn activists who have been threatening, stalking, and harassing Republican officials, telling CNN's Jake Tapper, instead, that the Left "needs to mobilize."

Anti-GOP protesters have been ramping up their rhetoric in recent weeks, threatening to follow prominent Republicans who venture into public, and recently in places like New York City, issuing "warnings" to anyone who publicly expresses support for conservative ideals.

When asked his opinion on whether leftist rhetoric has become too violent, instead of condemning protesters, Sanders completely "skirted the issue," Mediaite reports, saying that "mobilizing" progressive forces was important to victory.

“I am very strongly in favor of mobilizing the American people to stand up and fight for economic justice and social justice and racial and environmental justice, and I think we have to mobilize people,” Sanders told Tapper.

The closest Sanders came to critiquing leftist activity was a milquetoast commentary on their tactics.

"I'm not a great fan of being rude or disrupting activities," Sanders added.

“If you are out there and you’re sick and tired of what’s going on, of the very rich getting richer while the middle class continues to struggle, then you are going to have to not only get out and vote but you’re going to have to get your friends and your families to vote,” Sanders continued, venturing far from the topic of the original question.

A number of contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination have either ignored or encouraged leftist rhetoric. Last week, both Hillary Clinton and former Attorney General Eric Holder appeared to approve of more aggressive protesting tactics, even though the strategy hasn't worked well for the Democratic Party. Following a wave of dramatic anti-Brett Kavanaugh demonstrations, Democrats skidded in midterm polls, falling behind in several key Senate races.

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