California DMV Wrongly Registered 1,500 People, Including Non-citizens, to Vote in 2018
True Pundit | Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 10:01 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 10:15 AM EST***


***Article first published by 'True Pundit' ***

The California Department Of Motor Vehicles (Dmv) Revealed Monday Evening That It Had Registered 1,500 Non-eligible People, Including Non-u.s. Citizens, To Vote Between April And September, Despite Assuring The Public For Years It Had Safeguards To Prevent That From Happening.

The error is the latest scandal for the DMV, which had to admit a month ago that it made 23,000 over voter registration errors.

As Breitbart News reported: In 2015, AB 60 went into effect, granting over one million illegal aliens in the Golden State the ability to apply for driver’s licenses without having their immigration status reported to federal authorities. In 2017, AB 1461, the “motor voter” law, automatically registered Californians to vote when they applied for driver’s licenses unless they were ineligible. State officials reassured the public that non-citizens would not be allowed to register to vote because database safeguards would prevent it.

The DMV says that the 1,500 improper registrations do not include any illegal aliens, according to MORE

MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff traveled to California to ask voting-age students if they are animated to vote in the 2018 midterm elections this November.


Watch what happened when I asked a bus stop full of CA students if they'd vote in their *key* midterm district.


While Trump's latest fire drill is underway, here's something else to think about: why young Americans don't vote.


Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) October 9, 2018

Soboroff traveled to the University of California Irvine, which has a student population of over 20 thousand. Students were asked a variety of questions by MSNBC, including one asking whether they plan on voting in just a month.- READ MORE

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