Canada: Muslim Politician Says Notre Dame Fire Was 'Wrath of Allah'; Montreal Basilica Could Be Next
Creeping Sharia | Wednesday, May 8, 2019 -- 8:19 AM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 -- 8:37 AM EDT***

The Jihad army has already landed and set up camp behind the lines of the west. Theior Goal is "Civilization Jihad" until at which point they Jihad like they've always jihaded. The silence from the supposed moderate Muslim community is deafening.

***Article first published by 'Creeping Sharia' on April 19, 2019***

Payback for France banning the Islamic veil.

Source: Muslim Politician in Canada Says Notre Dame Fire Was “Divine Intervention” – Summit News

A Muslim politician in Canada wrote a Facebook post in which she said that the Notre Dame fire was “divine intervention” in response to France banning the Islamic veil.

Québec Solidaire member Eve Torres suggested that the tragedy was “a result of a divine intervention related to the prohibition of religious symbols in France,” according to

France passed an act of parliament in 2010 which banned the wearing of face-covering headgear in public places, including the Muslim niqab and burka.

Torres said that the ban had provoked the “wrath” of Allah and “here is the result!”
She further added, “I would sleep firefighters at the basilica of Notre-Dame Street in Montreal,” suggesting that could be the next church to go up in flames.

The co-spokesperson of Quebec Solidaire, Manon Massé, said she was “very disturbed” by the comments and that they were in “very bad taste”.

Torres later apologized, claiming it was all just a “joke”.

She’s a Muslim who worked for CAIR:

The Muslim politician who said the Notre Dame fire is the "wrath of Allah" was Quebec coordinator for terror-tied CAIR @CAIRNational

Link for Eve Torres’s profile on the NCCM/CAIR-Canada’s website

Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) April 17, 2019

Yes, NCCM is CAIR as we posted in 2013: CAIR-Canada changes name to cover links with Hamas-linked CAIR.

On July 6, 2013, CAIR-CAN issued a press release announcing that the organization will now be known as the National Council of Canadian Muslims (Conseil national des musulmans canadiens in French).

Removing all allusions to CAIR in its name helps the newly renamed Council cover its links with the Washington-based / Hamas-linked organization. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was founded in 1994 by three leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), a Hamas front in the United States at the time.

According to its charter (article 2), Hamas is the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza.

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