Citizens' Dawn Reporter Assaulted, Boston Police Do Nothing
Citizen Kane | Saturday, June 2, 2018 -- 9:32 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 -- 11:38 AM EDT***

Just another day in Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's utopia. 'Private Security' behaving like Nazi Brown shirts in fluorescent jackets ask a reporter his political affiliation before allowing him to pass on a public sidewalk to talk to and interview people.

Apart from the fact that this was a public event, a group known as Antifa decided to show up and prevent people from accessing the event as well as obstructing the freedom of movement on a public sidewalk.

Imagine, this group calling other people 'Nazis' were going up to reporters and asking them their personal political affiliation before allowing them to pass on a public sidewalk to talk and interview people. I suppose because they were all wearing uniform shirts they thought they had special powers as private citizens.

These shirts were fluorescent, not brown. That would have been too obvious.

The reporter was assaulted by the 'private security' of the counter protest group that didn't have a permit to restrict access to the area.

After trying to talk to numerous police officers who all decided to ignore the reporter's plea for help, the officers finally prevented the Reporter from accessing the event as well.

Confined to an area apart from the event, following the event, officers did not allow the reporter to exit the area and instead forced the reporter back toward the angry mob and those which had just assaulted him.

It's worth noting that Citizens' Dawn has received a comment from one of the Second Amendment Rally's organizers. According to him, his rally did not have a permit. Another organizer said that the State Police told them that they did not need one but just to let them know so that they can prepare.

The counter protest group did not have a permit as well. As you can see, in the video, the only people obstructing people from walking along the public sidewalk was the counter protest group and their 'security,' which seemed to be more like the Maxine Waters to Kanye in regards to telling people who they can talk to where they can stand.

Restricting access to a public area, and with private security, is something that is lawful under a permitted event.

Police did nothing to disperse the crowd.

Here is a link to the Event hosted by the Community Organizing Group known as 'Resist Marxism':

Resist Marxism's Facebook Event

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