Civil War: Swedish Citizens Rise Up To Protest Globalism
Jay Greenberg | Thursday, January 24, 2019 -- 2:03 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, January 24, 2019 -- 6:30 PM EST***

The people of Sweden protest against political elite as Yellow Vest movement spreads

***Article first published by 'Neon Nettle' on Dec. 11, 2018***

Citizens across Sweden have begun rising up to protest globalism, in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of French protestors.

As the anti-globalist movement continues to sweep across Europe, the people of Sweden took to the streets of Stockholm over the weekend, protesting the UN Migration Pact.

France’s "Yellow Vest" movement has also spread to at least three other European countries as citizens in Belgium, Germany, and Holland have also started to protest against the political elite.

The French movement originally started as an opposition to high fuel taxes but is now focused on governments as well, as regular, hard-working people feel unheard.
As Swedes gathered outside Parliament in Stockholm, one protester said:

"I am here for the poor elderly who paid tax their whole lives and now are forced to starve."

According to Voice of Europe, plenty of Swedish flags, placards, and yellow vests were seen, with children participating as well.

“We are not extremists. We are ordinary Swedes,” shouted the protesters.

“It’s not about political colors, it’s about the people," one of the speakers, journalist Katerina Janouch stated.

“I am here for the 9-year-old girl who was raped and beaten in a junk room.

"I am here for all the women who no longer dare go out.

“I am here for the poor elderly who paid tax their whole lives and now are forced to starve.

"I am here for the homeless.

"I am here for those who don’t get what the social contract promises.”

According to Janouch, all Swedes, regardless of political affiliation, should participate in the demonstrations and protest against the politics in Sweden.

“We don’t need more division in this country.

"It is the ones in power that want us to turn against each other.

“We need to unite. I want the Swedish people to stand together against the abuse of power that’s going on in Parliament.

“We will not give up,” she continued.

“I’m originally from Czechoslovakia and in 1989 the dictatorship fell.

"It is called social revolution. Do you know how it started?

“The pen, the written word. The first time there were 30 people, they were arrested.
"Next time 300, and then came 3000.

"Then the social revolution was a fact. And we can do the same thing,” she told the cheering crowd.

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