Controversial Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Slammed for Latest Israel Remarks
Algemeiner | Wednesday, March 13, 2019 -- 8:50 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 -- 8:54 PM EDT***

A Jihadist, this time one that occupies an influential position in US government, promotes jihadist propaganda falsely accusing Israel of "apartheid" while continuing to ignore her own "religion's" actual apartheid system for women and "kafir," or non-muslims, known as Sharia Law.

***Article first published by 'Algemeiner' on March 1, 2019***

Editors Note: Sharia Law is an oppressive system that advocates death to apostates to hundreds of millions of Muslims enslaved across the globe. In Pakistan, thousands took to the streets to riot in response to the Pakistani government not executing Asia Bibi for being a Christian and thus blasphemous in Islam.

Sharia Law is a system which governs taxes on Muslims and non-Muslims -- otherwise known as a political, supra-national government for an invasive force masquerading as a religion. It is the essence of Jihad. In Arabic "jihad" means struggle. In Islam it means holy war. "Islam" literally means 'submit' while Sharia Law institutionalizes slavery.

The Western Media's silence was part of a strategy that was billed to help promote reform, instead, this "genius strategy" and the 'moderate' minority was used as a trojan horse to disarm against largescale INVASION of an non-assimilating, invasive force that presumes to subvert through what they themselves defined as 'Civilization Jihad.'

Representative Ilhan Omar is one of the latest manifestations of civilization Jihad in the US.

Keith Ellison was once the number two man in the Democratic Party during the Obama years. He also is a known associate of Louis Farrakhan and once advocated for the dissolution of the US and the formation of a black Ethno state.


Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has drawn across-the-board condemnation for her latest controversial comments, in which she charged that pro-Israel Americans “push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

The Minnesota representative made the remark during an appearance with fellow freshman lawmaker Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan, at a progressive event in Washington, DC.

Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaks to the media after a lottery for office assignments on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Nov. 30, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Joshua Roberts.

Omar also invoked Apartheid-era South Africa as she talked about recent criticism she and Tlaib have faced for their anti-Israel views.

“So I know many [members of Congress] were fighting for people to be free, for people to live in dignity in South Africa,” Omar said, according to Jewish Insider. “So I know that they care about these things. But now that you have two Muslims who are saying, here is a group of people [the Palestinians] that we want to make sure that they have the dignity that you want everybody else to have, we get to be called names and we get to be labeled as hateful. No we know what hate looks like!”

The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) stated on Thursday, “We reject the parallels Representative Omar has repeatedly drawn between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. We also want to make clear to both Reps. Omar and Tlaib that our denunciation of their recent tweets was completely unrelated to their religion. We celebrate the diversity of Democrats in 116th Congress, but unequivocally oppose the use of anti-Semitic tropes. We would have condemned such tweets from any member of Congress, regardless of their party or background.”

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) tweeted on Friday, “Maybe it’s time for @TheDemocrats and its liberal base to stop making excuses for @Ilhan Omar and @RashidaTlaib, and instead admit that you have been supporting anti-Semites.”

Also on Friday, Ann Lewis — a co-chair of a new pro-Israel Democratic group, the Democratic Majority for Israel — stated, “Just days after apologizing for using an anti-Semitic trope, in a statement that was broadly condemned by Democrats and Democratic leadership, Congresswoman Omar is at it again. Omar’s statement equating support for the U.S.-Israel relationship to ‘allegiance to a foreign country,’ an accusation of dual loyalty, is among the oldest and most dangerous anti-Semitic charges. This reckless rhetoric should be beneath a member of the United States Congress. If Congresswoman Omar is not attacking American supporters of the American-Israel alliance, she should say so.”

American Jewish Committee CEO David Harris tweeted, “Here she goes again. Rep. @IlhanMN questions loyalty of pro-Israel Americans.”

“No, it’s not about faith or any other ‘identity’ defense she conjures up,” he added. “It’s about #Antisemitism, pure & simple. Nor will after-the-fact ‘apologies’ sell. Will her party speak up (again)? It must.”

The Anti-Defamation League tweeted, “This is not just disturbing, but seems to be part of a pattern. The charge of dual loyalty has long been used to attack Jews, well before the state of Israel even existed.”

The Zionist Organization of America tweeted that Omar was “clearly unapologetic for her anti-Semitic comments and tweets because they keep coming!”

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