Criminal investigation into allegations of anti-Semitic hate crimes within Labour
Westmonster | Sunday, November 11, 2018 -- 3:47 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, November 11, 2018 -- 3:53 PM EST***

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***Article first published by 'Westmonster' on Nov. 2, 2018***

There is to be a criminal investigation into allegations of anti-Semitic hate crimes within the Labour Party.

The move has been announced by Scotland Yard this morning.

#Breaking A criminal investigation has begun into allegations of anti-Semitic hate crimes within the Labour Party, Scotland Yard says

Press Association (@PA) November 2, 2018

LBC have said that it follows from an internal dossier obtained by them.

Scotland Yard has begun a criminal investigation into allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour party, over an internal dossier obtained by LBC.

LBC Breaking (@lbcbreaking) November 2, 2018

In a statement, the Met have said that their Commissioner was handed a folder of paperwork following an interview on LBC, with a complainant alleging that the documentation included evidence of anti-Semitic hate crimes. Specialist officers have examined the contents, and a criminal investigation has now commenced.

Scotland Yard has begun a criminal investigation into allegations of anti-Semitic hate crimes within the Labour Party @LBC

Global's Newsroom (@GlobalsNewsroom) November 2, 2018

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