Democrats Prove they are the Party of Antifa Communists and Jihad in Kavanaugh Confirmation
Citizen Kane | Tuesday, September 4, 2018 -- 3:20 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 -- 10:59 PM EDT***

This is a sickening display of American politics that will mark a significant point in the history of America, and it won't be because the hearings were allowed to proceed.

On Tuesday September 4, 2018, the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing on the Confirmation of Supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh began with a few hickups, to say the least.

Immediately, Democratic Senators on the Committee attempted to shutdown the hearing by speaking out of order and attempting to 'filibuster' the procedings.

They were later joined by a small mob that they had planted in the audience as part of an effort to further disrupt the procedings.

Among the unruly audinece members was none other than Linda Sarsour, operative for the terrorist organization Hamas and leader of the 2016 womens march; the same march which attempted to brand the Islamic hijab a symbol of women's empowerment with the 'mascott' for the march being a woman in a hijab.

It's worth noting that in many countries throughout the world, where Sharia law is the law of the land, women are considered property and are forced to cover themselves with a hijab, and if they dont they are beaten, or worse.

This is particularly noteworthy because throughout the entirety of the procedings, the democrats - who admittedly held a conference to plan the mob rule tactics displayed in the chambers - repeated the same talking points, over and over and over and over again.

The upside down thinking of making a woman in a hijab the mascot for a march advocating for women's rights is consistent with the main buzz phrase and talking points the Democrats on the Committee kept hammering, which was concern about the rule of law. The two are consistent because advocating for the rule of law while organizing a mob to disrupt democratic procedings is an inherent contradiction that is so overt that one would think it would discourage such a "double speaking" ploy.

Guess not.

Maybe they over estimate their abilities to take advantage of the uneducated; maybe they underestimate the intelligence of the average person; maybe they are in such a panic about American resurgence they just aren't thinking straight. Who knows!?

So, just to be clear, the Democrats admittedly organized an Antifa style mob, complete with known terrorist affiliates, to shut down the hearing procedings, and possibly even intimidate lawmakers from lawfully carying out their duties.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) referenced a report from NBC's Capitol Hill Corespondent Kasie Hunt, who tweeted out a report that democrats were planing exactly what they saw unfolding during the Committee's procedings.

"Democrats plotted coordinated protest strategy over the holiday weekend and all agreed to disrupt and protest the hearing, sources tell me and @frankthorp. Dem leader @chuckschumer led a phone call and committee members are executing now."

In response to Tillis' remarks, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) confirmed the assertion that they had held a conference.

"There was a phone conference yesterday, and I can tell you at the time of the phone conference many issues were raised," Durbin said. "We are seeing hundreds of thousands of documents charcterized as committee confidential unilateraly. So one of the discussions yesterday was this whole question of whether this committee is going to hear a nominee for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land without access to basic information about his public record; his public record as Secretary to the President of the United States (George W. Bush), Staff Secretary."

Throughout the course of the procedings, Chairmen Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) had to repeatedly inform Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) numerous times that he was out of order and that the rules he was attempting to invoke with a call for a vote to adjourn the hearing was only applicable in executive session, which the hearing was not.

"I haven't been in as many confirmation hearings as some of my colleagues, but this is the first confirmation hearing, for a supreme court Justice, I've seen, basically, according to mob rule," Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said making his feelings clear about how the Democrats were conducting themselves pretty clear. "We have rules in the Senate, we have norms for decorum... The fact is that it's hard to take it seriously when every single one of our colleagues in the Senate Judiciary committee on the democratic side have announced their opposition to this nominee even before today's hearing."

Sen. Ted Cruz made clear his qualms with the statements made by his Democrat collleagues, or rather obstructionist opponents, that he pointed out were still trying to undermine the results of the 2016 election.

"Elections have consequences," Cruz pointed out, referencing a comment made by former President Obama. "The over a half million documents turned over to this committeee is more than the amount the last five nominees submitted to this committee combined."

Cruz then went on to dismantle the main justification they used for delaying the hearing procedings by explaining how the Democrats purposefully requested documents that they knew would be denied for release because they would compromise the integrity of advice or deliberations given to Presidents, given that the advice would be possibly subject to public release. He asserted that they did this just so they could do exactly what we saw unfold on Tuesday.

Cruz also explained that the documents requested have nothing to do with Kavanaugh and his confirmation because, as Secretary, he would transcribe the letters and the contents would not be a representation of the views of Kavanaugh himself.

"But it is, at the end of the day, simply an attempt to distract and delay," Cruz said. "I believe this fight is nothing more, and nothing less, than an attempt by our Democratic colleagues to relitigate the 2016 presidential election."

And he's right, at least you would think so if you have been following the developments of the Robert Mueller's Special Counsel with even the slightest devotion to American principles of rule of law, which the Democrats were so keen to invoke during the hearing on Tuesday.

We here at Citizens' Dawn don't like to subscribe to any one party, but one thing is for sure: we are not Jihadi sympathizers or Marxist Communists like Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) allowing for Chinese Communist spies to run our operations, as Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) did. We actually believe in the rule of law, a free and open internet and press and our God given rights outlined in the Bill of Rights.

It's times like these when it becomes really hard to forget about things like high Profile Democrat, Vice Chair of the DNC Rep. Keith Ellison's (D-MN) endorsement of Antifa, connections to Islamic extremists, connections to the Communist party, and scandals of his past violent assaults on women.

Wake me when talking about reality or criticizing people like Ellison, who once advocated for the dissolution of the US and the formation of an African American ethnostate, doesn't get you slandered as 'racist' or 'bigot.'