Doxxing Dem Staffer Was Fellow, Not Intern, Paid By Outside Organization
Austin Lewis | Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 9:33 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Saturday, November 10, 2018 -- 9:46 AM EST***

Walk Away

***Article first published by 'The Conservative Daily Post' on Oct. 8, 2018***

Brett Kavanaugh was appointed to the United States Supreme Court on Saturday, passing in an almost entirely party line vote of 50-48. However, the fallout from the farcical process that led to his eventual confirmation continues, and one of the most interesting portions of that drama remains the interesting story of Jackson Cosko.

During the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford, he, according to the @congressedits Twitter bot and an investigation, posted the personal information of a number of United States Senators, a practice known as ‘doxxing.’

Originally, it was claimed that he was a ‘staffer’ or ‘intern’ for a number of leftist politicians, but now it seems he was a ‘fellow.’ In other words, he has been exposed as a likely ‘operative’ paid to ‘advise’ democrats. Of course, Lee’s office lied about it; after all, he is just one of many people in similar positions.

Jackson Cosko, 27 years of age, worked with/for Sheila Jackson Lee’s office when he was discovered to be the man who had ‘doxxed’ Senator Lindsey Graham, among others.

Lee, at the time, claimed that he was an ‘unpaid intern’ who had since been fired.

However, the Tennessee Star disagreed with that assessment, and said that Cosko was actually a ‘fellow,’ paid by an outside organization, who worked in Lee’s office as a primary adviser.

The man’s lawyer confirmed that his client was, in fact, a fellow.

‘Fellow’ is a very different post than ‘intern.’ Interns are generally low-skilled, often connected to donors or young students who are looking to experience Washington D.C., and usually unpaid for their work (which is a hardship, given that D.C. is one of the most expensive cities in the country).

‘Fellows,’ on the other hands, are senior advisers, people who generally have some kind of expertise.

According to correspondence from the Lee office, Cosko was trusted to advise her and to communicate with other members of congress on her behalf.

The ‘outside institution’ which employed the ‘fellow’ still has not been publicly named or revealed.

However, the fact that Cosko was someone of higher standing seems to undermine the suggestion that he was simply some overenthusiastic intern who was caught acting inappropriately in order to further leftist goals.

He was arrested last week after a Twitter bot, @congressedits, caught a person with a congressional IP address making changes to Wikipedia pages of notable republican Senators.

Those edits included providing personal phone numbers and home addresses for said congressmen.

According to Fox News, Cosko is currently charged with publishing restricted personal information, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, witness tampering, second-degree burglary, and unlawful entry, though he may well find himself being charged with more crimes before the end of the investigation.

‘Fellows’ are not an uncommon thing in the political world. After all, many senators have very limited experience in a number of areas, and think tanks and other similar institutions are more than happy to lend their expertise in order to push their objectives.

However, most of them have the decency to stick to their ‘lanes,’ so to speak, and to offer expertise in whatever manner they are best equipped to do so.

Sheila Jackson Lee is not the first person who Jackson Cosko worked for, either.

He previously worked for Senator Maggie Hassan, a democrat from New Hampshire, who is most famous for her intern who screamed ‘f*ck Trump’ at the president as he walked through the halls of congress. She didn’t fire that intern, despite her shocking lack of decorum.

Cosko also worked for former Senator Barbara Boxer, and current Senator Dianne Feinstein (who was the center of much of the drama related to the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings).

This ‘intern’ spent much of his adult life working as part of the leftist political machine in the United States.

Without knowing the precise organization he worked for, it’s hard to guess what kind of expertise Cosko, who described himself as a computer security professional, could have offered to congress that they did not already have.

However, it certainly seems that what he engaged in, at least recently, was an illegal attempt to bully republicans in the Senate, and on the Senate Judiciary Committee, into allowing democrats to parade Christine Ford’s testimony as if it was evidence that Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had no business being on the SCOTUS.

It will be interesting to see not only the outcome of all those charges against him, but also who comes forward to attempt to protect him from the charges.

Perhaps, most hilarious of all, Cosko was outed by a Twitter bot designed to watch Wikipedia to ensure that D.C. politicians, and their staffers, were not manipulating information on the website for their own advantages.

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