Fact - Adolf Hitler was a Socialist and on the left.
Ben Armstrong | Wednesday, November 14, 2018 -- 9:05 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 -- 9:11 AM EST***

Communists are sneaky types that will feign one thing to gain support, but ultimately their goal is the same: the enslavement of humanity to the will of the party.

***Article first published by 'NEWS/TALK 550AM 95.1FM & 99.9FM' on June 1, 2017***

There are plenty of left wing websites and left wing history books (AKA public School history books) that will tell you that Hitler was on the right. In fact, in order to debunk this article, liberals will run to those websites. The problem is, those websites are simply opinions or Twisted lies and not facts.

Fact - NAZI is an abbreviation for National Socialist Workers Party

The left will tell you,--- Just because they call themselves socialists doesn't mean they were socialists. ---Oh you funny little lefties.

Fine let's play that game. What would prove that the Nazis were socialists? I know, let's look at what they actually believed from their own Manifesto.

13 We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

(Hi Lefties)

14 We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

(Hi again Lefties)

15 We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.

16 We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalisation of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small trades people, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.

(WOW these Demands Sound soooo Conservative!!! and not like Bernie Sanders at all) (For those of you on the left, that's called being Sarcastic.)

20 In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education, and thus the opportunity to reach into positions of leadership, the State must assume the responsibility of organizing thoroughly the entire cultural system of the people. The curricula of all educational establishments shall be adapted to practical life. The conception of the State Idea (science of citizenship) must be taught in the schools from the very beginning. We demand that specially talented children of poor parents, whatever their station or occupation, be educated at the expense of the State.

21 The State has the duty to help raise the standard of national health by providing maternity welfare centres, by prohibiting juvenile labour, by increasing physical fitness through the introduction of compulsory games and gymnastics, and by the greatest possible encouragement of associations concerned with the physical education of the young.

(Wow! Do you realize that the left is for all these things still today)

22 We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.


23 We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(Crack Down on Hate Speech anyone)

(Any Democrat Senator could make this next statement today)

(Look especially at the last line on this one)

24 We demand freedom for all religious faiths in the state, insofar as they do not endanger its existence or offend the moral and ethical sense of the Germanic race. The party as such represents the point of view of a positive Christianity without binding itself to any one particular confession. It fights against the Jewish materialist spirit within and without, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our folk can only come about from within on the principle: COMMON GOOD BEFORE INDIVIDUAL GOOD.

(I didn't Capitalize that line - The Nazis did to emphasize it!)

This is just some of the manifesto. I left out a lot of the racism that is in the manifesto because that all stems from their belief in Darwinism.

The Nazis believed they were a superior race because they believed in evolution. The belief in evolution is a left-wing belief. It is also a racist belief. To believe in evolution is to believe that some races have evolved more than others, Darwin himself believe this.

The Nazis were for abortion.

The Nazis believed in a strong socialist government that controlled businesses through regulations. The Nazis used regulations to persecute Jewish businessmen.

The Nazis believed in government Healthcare.

The Nazis believed in government-run education.

The Nazis believed that individualism should be sacrificed for the greater good of the community.

I could go on and on, so I will sum it up this way. Name a liberal belief today, and you'll find out the Nazis we're advocates of those exact same beliefs.

So how does the left make the case that Nazis were on the right? Their whole argument is summed up by two things. Hitler killed the communist and the Nazis were patriotic towards their country.

Hitler killed the Communists because they were competition. That doesn't make him on the right. I don't believe Hitler was a communist. I believe Hitler was a socialist like he claimed to be. As a socialist, he wanted to defeat the communist in Germany.

Fact -The biggest opponents to Adolf Hitler when he ran for elected office where the conservatives in Germany. The conservatives celebrated in the streets when Hitler lost the election. It was because of the conservatives that Hitler had to create a coup in order to gain power.

Being patriotic is also not a reason to believe Adolf Hitler was conservative. Socialists are patriotic all around the world. The only place socialist are not patriotic is in America. Why is this the case? Because all socialist hate what America stands for.

If I'm not correct on this; - then the left would be saying that the only people that are patriotic in the world are people on the right.

I apologize to those of you on the left for using facts and history to prove my point. I know it's not fair, and I feel bad about it.

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