Former Army General: Brennan Wants To Overthrow Trump's Government
Nick Givas | Thursday, August 23, 2018 -- 2:55 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, August 23, 2018 -- 4:19 PM EDT***

Clearly our iuntelligence apparatus has been compromised by people like openly admitted Communist former CIA Director John Brennan - with extensive ties to Iran - who was appointed by a man whose Presidency was the single handed greatest attack on the United States of America in the history of the country, Barrack Hussein Obama, who has extensive communist ties as well.

***Article first published by 'Western Journal' on Aug. 16, 2018***

Former Army Brigadier General Anthony Tata said former CIA director John Brennan is a “clear and present danger” to the United States and wants to “overthrow” President Donald Trump.

Tata said Brennan’s tweets disparaging Trump and calling for his removal is enough to revoke his security clearance.

Brennan has also claimed that Trump’s insistence on no collusion is “hogwash.”

“He spied on American citizens and lied in front of Congress about that spying,” Tata said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday.

This was in reference to “Spygate,” the CIA scandal that centered around monitoring network traffic of Congressional staff members.

Brennan denied the spying accusations but was forced to admit the CIA’s role after an internal investigation shed a light on some of the practices.

Brennan refused to step down from his position in the CIA after the scandal.

“Question 29 on the security clearance form says, you know, ‘have you ever supported overthrowing the U.S. Government?’ All have you got to look at Brennan’s tweets and he supports the removal of this president and right there that’s enough evidence to get rid of his clearance.”

Host Brian Kilmeade then played a clip of GOP Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana calling Brennan an embarrassment to the intelligence community and accusing him of being politically biased in his professional dealings.

“I’ve made my feelings known about Mr. Brennan. I think most Americans look at our national intelligence experts as being above politics,” Kennedy said.

This has been a contentious point in recent years, with accusations that the CIA and FBI played a role in spying and influencing campaigns during the 2016 election.

“Mr. Brennan has demonstrated that that’s not the case. He’s been totally political. I think I called him a butt head and I meant it. I think he’s given the national intelligence community a bad name.

“John Brennan is a clear and present danger and a threat to this nation,” Tata concluded.

“He supports the overthrow of this particular president. And he needed to have his access to information revoked.”

Someone who advocates the overthrow of the government is defined as “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates … the duty necessity, desirability or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States.”

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