France Recalls Ambassador From Italy After "Unprecedented" Verbal Attacks
Tyler Durden | Tuesday, February 12, 2019 -- 7:43 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 -- 7:47 PM EST***

France is burning and Macron is lashing out at those attempting to save Europe from the Jihad invasion masked by comrades like the Pope as the as mass migration and the only solution to the Humanitarian crisis in Africa. Meanwhile the Pope appeases the Islamists.

***Article first published by 'Zero Hedge' on Feb. 7, 2019***

The diplomatic row between France and Italy is escalating. More than half a year after Italy summoned the French ambassador over Europe's migrant row, on Thursday France one-upped Italy when it announced it would recall its ambassador to Italy, citing "outrageous" verbal attacks, repeated "meddling" in its domestic affairs and "unacceptable" provocations.

La France rappelle son ambassadeur en Italie "après des attaques" "sans précédent" (Quai d'Orsay) #AFP

Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) February 7, 2019

The French foreign ministry said the decision was taken following a meeting between Italy’s deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio and leaders of the French Yellow Vest protester movement, trumpeting his support for the grassroots protests in defiance of President Emmanuel Macron.

“This is unprecedented since the war,” the foreign ministry said in an emailed statement on Thursday. “Having disagreements is one thing, but using the relationship for electoral purposes is quite another.”

Luigi di Maio, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement hailed the "winds of change across the Alps" yesterday on Twitter after meeting with Yellow Vest activists Cristophe Chalencon and Ingrid Levavasseur.

Oggi con @ale_dibattista abbiamo fatto un salto in Francia e abbiamo incontrato il leader dei gilet gialli Cristophe Chalençon e i candidati alle elezioni europee della lista RIC di Ingrid Levavasseur.

Il vento del cambiamento ha valicato le Alpi.

Luigi Di Maio (@luigidimaio) February 5, 2019

"The latest interference is an additional and unacceptable provocation,” according to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry on Thursday. It added that this “violates the respect that democratically and freely elected governments owe each other."

"All these acts create a serious situation that questions the intentions of the Italian government" towards France.

A diplomatic feud has been growing between Paris and Rome over repeated expressions of support for the Yellow Vest protests coming from top Italian officials. Di Maio’s co-deputy PM Matteo Salvini said this week that French people "will be able to free themselves from a terrible president" in May after European parliamentary elections take place.

Chalencon and Levavasseur are themselves planning to run in those elections, according to French media reports.

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