Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Admits To Burning State Flag
Haley Kennington | Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 4:05 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 4:14 PM EDT***

Another America hating Democrat. For those of you keeping score, it should be abundantly clear that the Communist Jihad has taken control of the Democratic party following the Presidency of Barrack Hussein Obama.

***Article first published by 'Big League Politics' on Oct.23, 2018***

On Monday, Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams admitted to burning the state flag while on the steps of the Georgia Capitol in 1992, when she was a freshman at Spelman College in Atlanta. A photo of Abrams has resurfaced from an article dated June of ’92 in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and began circulating on Facebook Monday night.

Abrams was part of a protest during the period when Gov. Zell Miller was making his first, and unsuccessful attempt to remove the confederate emblem from the state flag.

“We need to lay the days of segregation to rest, to let bygones be bygones, and rest our souls,” Miller said only a few weeks before. “We need to do what is right.”

The Confederate emblem had been attached to the state flag since 1956, but was eventually removed in 2001 by Gov. Roy Barnes, an act that cost him in 2002 when he was defeated by Sonny Perdue, the first Republican to be elected governor of Georgia during the modern era.

The New York Times ran an article on Monday where the following statement was issued by the Abrams campaign:

“During Stacey Abrams’ college years, Georgia was at a crossroads, struggling with how to overcome racially divisive issues, including symbols of the Confederacy, the sharpest of which was the inclusion of the Confederate emblem in the Georgia state flag. This conversation was sweeping across Georgia as numerous organizations, prominent leaders and students engage in the ultimately successful effort to change the flag.”

Tuesday night, Abrams will face Republican Brian Kemp, Georgia’s secretary of state in their first of two televised debates. The two rivals will be joined by Libertarian Ted Metz for the debate Tuesday, with the second televised debate airing on November the 11th.

Big League Politics has reported extensively on Abrams’ radicalism. Three months ago, Abrams was endorsed by radical Islamist Linda Sarsour. BLP reported:

Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour fully endorsed candidate Stacey Abrams in Atlanta, Georgia telling the crowd, “You know what I said when I first saw her? I said ‘Afternoon, Governor Abrams.’

Video has emerged from the rally from Georgia Gun Owners, a pro-gun organization who strongly opposes Abrams due to her anti-gun positions.

“Stacey Abrams met Linda Sarsour in Sarsour’s capacity as a leader of the Women’s March anniversary in Georgia, which leader Abrams attended,” said Abrams spokeswoman Priyanka Mantha. “To my knowledge, this is the one time they have met. Abrams and Sarsour disagree on many issues but share the commitment to advance women’s rights.”

Abrams has also been hounded for her anti-Second Amendment stance. BLP reported:

A new political ad by Georgia Gun Owners torched Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams for her radical anti-gun positions.

“Ban, confiscate, destroy,” the ad says. “That’s the Stacey Abrams radical agenda for Georgia gun owners. Stacey Abrams isn’t just a leftist. She’s a Bloomberg-Soros ‘hate America’ leftist.”

The ad then details Abrams’ plan to ban AR-15’s and confiscate carry pistols, and encourages viewers to call Abrams to tell her to “keep her hands off our guns.”

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