Have Racial Supremacists Begun a Takeover of the Democrat Party?
Citizen Kane | Tuesday, October 2, 2018 -- 2:01 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 -- 6:18 PM EDT***

Take a deep look into the disturbing details of how the Democratic Party has pimped itself out to foreign interests and criminals and is now working together for their shared goal of the destruction of America.

Many people were taken a back about the Aretha Franklin Funeral and how the Nation of Islam's Louis Farakhan was prominently featured sitting beside former President Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Pastor adminstering the service.

Many people were also taken aback by how the media unanimously found this un-noteworthy.

As Fox News' Martha MacCallum said noting the seemingly politicized nature of her funeral, "What was he doing there?"

After questioning the notion that her songs "Respect" and "Natural Woman" indicate an ideology in line with that promoted by Farrakhan, which includes warning about the 'Satanic jews' and suggesting that 'white people deserve to die' and that 'Hitler was a very great man', MacCallum would go on to question the notion that Franklin arranged that those people be up there.

It's interesting because people like Farrakhan only serve to reinforce 'racial group identity' and serve as fodder for those seeking easier ways to manipulate populations and profit of the division of superficial attributes like skin color and distract from the real causes of problems, real or imagined.

In fact the Nation of Islam advocates for the dissolution of the United States and the formation of a Black Ethno State.

The Aretha Franklin isnt the only association the Democrat party has with the extremist group. Vice Chair of the DNC Rep. Keith Ellison has been documented to have extensive ties with the group and other extremists associated with terrosit organizations like Hamas.

Ellison is presently under fire for allegations of physical abuse from his former girlfriends such as Karen Monahan who recently released medical records and a police report to support her claims.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has done her fair share of projecting accusations of racism and promoting divisive rhetoric, has been found to have connections to 'The Nation of islam' as well.

Video surfaced of several of her congressional colleagues embracing Farrakhan, thanking him. This after photos emerged of former President Obama smiling and shaking hands with hate group leader.

This would be a surprise until after a video emerges of a Obama doing a reading and discussion of a passage he reads with conviction during his book tour for "Dreams of My Father" at the Cambridge Public Library. The book details his relationship with his mentor Frank Marshall Davis. In it he clearly reveals a deep seated prejudice and animus engrained from a slanted view of history and reality.

Frank Marshall Davis is not someone you would want to be the mentor of a President of the United States given his Communist allegiances and open hostility to the US, yet this is exactly who was the mentor of Obama.

This is in keeping with Obama's extremist Pastor, whose comments attempting to legitimize the 9/11 terror attacks and radical Islamic terror mirror Obama's own attempts to defend radical islamic terror while attacking Christians.

Consequently many have questioned as to whether or not the moral ambiguity and racial prejudice Obama held when he was younger carried over into his Presidency:

"Obama described how his worldview as a teenager held that 'any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning,' inasmuch as they were all racist.

He also equates calling someone who held this worldview 'paranoid' equivalent to calling him the n-word."

Now we find prominent figures in the Democratic Party openly saying things like "America was never that Great" and neck deep with Communists, Jihadists and agents of foreign governments seeking the destruction of the US.

For crying out loud, amidst the witch hunt hoax that is the Mueller investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump Campaign, it's just recently been revealed that "Hillary Clinton & GOOGLE Created Covert Server to Hide Classified Benghazi Emails from Congress", that "China hacked Hillary Clinton's private email server", and that the "Chinese Government killed and imprisoned 18-20 CIA spies after Clinton server hack."

We also now have former President Obama essentially endorsing the genocide of white people in South Africa, a development ignored and covered up by the media who could seldom find a bad thing to say about the man.

The context is becoming much more clear when we look back to those concerned about Obama who were dismissed by that same media as xenophobic racists and at the various criticisms of Obama and his presidency that have caused many to believe him to be the most divisive President in US history that was disastrous for the American way of life of liberty and justice for all.

As Harvard starts to have segregated ceremonies for blacks and Muslims segregated housing in Canada, many are wondering exactly what is becoming of the over two-hundred years of progress toward destroying racial and cultural barriers with one of the major political parties apparently compromised by leaders with sinister perversions.

As the Democrat party continues to annoint people like admitted America hating Colin Kaepernick as their figureads, it would appear that we are indeed headed for turbulent times.

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