Help us! Swedish police demand government action as city is overrun by armed youths
Lizzie Stromme | Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 8:01 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 8:35 PM EDT***

SWEDISH police have demanded the Government get armed youths off the streets, as Malmo is being turned into a ‘no-go zone’ where violent crime and shootings are common occurrences.

***Article first published by 'Express' on Feb. 9, 2017***

Malmo, which is Sweden’s third-largest city, has been plunged into chaos as police struggle to maintain law and order.

An llegal firearms trade is flourishing in the city amid the European Union’s inability to crack down on thugs smuggling weapons across their borders.

More than 200 illegal firearms are confiscated by police each year, but legal loopholes often allow those caught with weapons to walk free.

Interior Minister Anders Ygeman has previously raised the issue as he urged the EU to take action to halt firearms being smuggled across borders.

He said: "I’ve spoken with my colleagues in the Balkans and the new EU Commissioner Julian King who is responsible for security. I believe I was met with good understanding.”

Despite the interior ministry vowing to put pressure on Brussels to halt the trade, Mr Ygeman will be urged to take further action when he visits the struggling city next week.

Malmo police have called for the government to crack down on armed thugs | GETTY • YOUTUBE

Stefan Sintéus said there has been a serious spike in shooting and murder among minors in the city.

The police chief said the youths caught with firearms need to be removed from the streets.

Mr Sintéus said: “They can’t remain in Malmo. We are concerned that young people have armed themselves. We are very concerned.”

In January, the Sweden Democrats lambasted the situation as they demanded soldiers should be sent to Malmo to reestablish rule of law in the city.

Launching a seething attack on the red-green parties in Malmo, Magnus Olsson said it was time to call in the military to root out the escalating crisis.

Speaking to Expressen, Mr Olsson also said there was a lack of police officers in Sweden, emphasising the need for military support.

He said: “There is a great lack of police officers in Sweden and Malmö. For this reason, it is perhaps time to let the military and police to stand together to reestablish order in the country.

In 2016, more than 70 cars burned out in less than three months

“We absolutely don’t believe the military should go in and to the police’s job.

“However in times of crisis, the military can help keep law and order and assist the police with logistics services, materials, vehicles, and more.”

Mr Olsson also called for the local government to invest more in its police department so they were better equipped to crack down on organised crime.

The demand for tougher legislation on the illegal firearms trade and violent crimes amongst youngsters come as Malmo is also struggling to crack down on thugs setting cars ablaze.

In 2016, more than 70 cars burned out in less than three months over the summer and one devastated Swede who had her car torched in January this year branded the city lawless.

Lejla Heco was left traumatised after she was forced to watch as her vehicle was targeted by vandals, just 50 minutes after the 28-year-old parked the car outside her father’s house in Malmo.

In February, Sweden’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, was criticised for failing to address the country’s plight as opposition politicians demanded a billion-pound investment into the police force.

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