Hondurans Paint Swastika On American Flag, Set It On Fire; Wave Honduran Flags, Give Us The Finger
Chris Menahan | Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 6:32 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -- 7:05 PM EDT***

This is an invasion. Ballots are being handded out in California and Texas for people to vote who do not have US citizenship.

***Article first published by 'Information Liberation' on Oct. 21, 2018***

These are the people demanding we open our borders.

You can see this photo as the very final image in this Associated Press slideshow covering the migrant caravan headed to the US.

Damn these Honduran migrants seem like they really want to come here... pic.twitter.com/oSUaaHoLku

Vincent James (@RealVinceJames) October 21, 2018

The caption reads:

Two people burn a United States flag during a protest in favor of the caravan of migrants that is currently stuck on the Guatemala-Mexico border, in front of the American embassy, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Friday, Oct. 19, 2018. The U.S.-bound caravan that once totaled more than 3,000 Central American migrants looked to be about a third that size Saturday morning, when its remaining members woke up on a bridge that divides the borders of Guatemala and Mexico and waited to get past a crossing guarded by hundreds of Mexican federal police. (AP Photo/Fernando Antonio)

It appears they set multiple flags on fire as this picture from the BBC shows a second flag set ablaze and treated like garbage:

From BBC news photos... https://t.co/uyVHocgoTB
caption “In Honduras, protests have been held in support of the migrants in the capital city, Tegucigalpa”

is this an American flag burning? pic.twitter.com/LjDVRQQs2W

ChristinaRN1 (@christinarn1) October 20, 2018

They also gave us the middle finger:

On TV it shows ppl in this #migrant #caravan not only carrying their countries flag but putting up their middle fingers‼️ When foreigners come in your country waving their flag thats called an invasion‼️ https://t.co/I6w6DHcHfM

Bethann (@sewwutnow) October 20, 2018

Monica Showalter at the American Thinker reports:

Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on the border, waving a big Honduran flag, victory-style, and whipping out a big middle finger at America.

In times past, arriving immigrants used to kiss the earth. Today, they wave the middle finger at us. Look at these photos, both from News 8 and the CBS national report, rough and blurry, admittedly, showing just what that caravan was about in all its anti-American tenor, which frankly, should have been the lede to the story...

For a publicity stunt as staged as the migrant caravan from Central America, one that one might have expected to have been carefully choreographed to advance their narrative of needy people with sob stories needing asylum, what does it say that all we see are military-aged young men, some with tattoos, illegally entering the U.S. under the Honduran banner and angrily flashing the middle finger in what might be their first moments in America?

The migrants in the caravan proudly waved the flags of their own countries as they organized to invade our own:

The caravan waves Honduran flags as they trespass borders. If they're so proud of Honduras, why not stay there and improve their country! pic.twitter.com/7ZcR4jTPPg

Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) October 20, 2018

The Honduran caravan is Hostile.

They are not coming in Peace.

They are not oppressed people seeking Asylum.

They are Honduran flag carrying, law breaking ANIMALS.

They should be stopped by ANY & ALL means possible.

Blast them back to Honduras! pic.twitter.com/kU95OyV430

CC (@ChatByCC) October 20, 2018

As a reminder, the most high-profile Honduran migrant in years was the mother of the Honduran girl on TIME Magazine's June cover who it turned out separated herself from her husband with a good job and her three other kids and paid a coyote $6,000 to sneak her into the US.

It's all a scam: Migrant Mother and ‘Crying Girl’ on TIME Cover Separated Herself from Husband With Good Job, 3 Other Kids, Paid Coyote $6K to Sneak Back in US https://t.co/Cyv27MXjgd

Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 22, 2018

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