ISIS urges followers to 'ignite fires' in forests across US and Europe
Lee Brown | Monday, January 6, 2020 -- 8:15 AM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 -- 9:14 PM EST***

Climate Change has always been a Euphemism by Elites to mask their "Let them eat cake" mentality and their continued attempts to control rather than Enlighten. Government is meant to Secure the borders and protect the rights of its citizens, not to control them. Somewhere along the line the calculus got a bit too confusing for the geniuses attempting justify their own misguided ways. Come back!

***Article first published by 'New York Post' on Jan. 6, 2020***

ISIS is urging its followers to spark wildfires across the US and Europe, according to reports.

At least four propaganda posters have appeared on Quraysh, a pro-ISIS media outlet, urging followers to “ignite fires” in forests, The Washington Free Beacon says, citing The Middle East Media Research Institute.

“Ignite fires in the forests of America, France, Britain, and Germany, for they are painful to them,” one poster reads, according to the site.

The disturbing call comes as wildfires have devastated California. There has been no suggestion yet any were started by terrorists.

The first threat appeared in April, according to the research institute, which monitors radical groups.

“Oh monotheists [followers of ISIS], ignite fires in the forests and fields, and we are addressing especially those who live in Europe and America, for they are painful to them,” that first warning read, according to the report.

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