Minneapolis police won't investigate Keith Ellison abuse allegations, cite conflict of interest
True Pundit | Wednesday, November 7, 2018 -- 9:53 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 -- 6:34 PM EST***

Domestic abuse candidate elected by the democrats to be the top law enforcement official of police who wont investigate him. How is this not an FBI investigation? How are Democrats not outraged? Because they are criminal gangsters.

***Article first published by 'True Pundit' on Oct. 4, 2018***

MINNEAPOLIS — The Minneapolis Police Department said Wednesday that it won’t investigate domestic abuse allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison due to a conflict of interest.

State Democratic officials asked Minneapolis police to conduct an investigation after an attorney with links to the party found an ex-girlfriend’s claims unsubstantiated.

Minneapolis police said they won’t handle the matter due to a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, and they are talking with other agencies to see where they can refer the case. The department didn’t elaborate on the conflict.

An ex-girlfriend of Ellison, Karen Monahan, alleged in August that the Democratic congressman dragged her off a bed by her feet while screaming obscenities at her in 2016.

Ellison, a deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee who is now running for Minnesota attorney general, has denied the allegation. – READ MORE

Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison said Wednesday he is considering resigning from the DNC in order to concentrate fully on his run for Minnesota attorney general.

Ellison announced in June he would forgo running for a seventh term in Congress to seek the attorney general position. Last year, Ellison was pushed by the party’s far-left flank for the DNC chairmanship but was defeated by Tom Perez, the preferred pick of former President Barack Obama.

“You know, I’ve been evaluating that recently, so we’ll see,” Ellison told WCCO radio of stepping down from the DNC. “I need to put 100 percent of my time, energy and resources into the race and my office, so it is something I am considering.” READ MORE:

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