PICKS German teenage girl called 'Nazi' for reading poem about migrant violence - Her house vandalised as well
Stan M | Sunday, November 11, 2018 -- 7:16 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, November 11, 2018 -- 7:38 PM EST***

Welcome to the new world where if you are a European and the victim of a crime you are not the victim, the criminal is...

***Article first published by 'Voice of Europe' on Oct. 5, 2018***

During a Poetry Slam in Speyer, Ida-Marie Müller a 14-year-old girl dared to ridicule the welcome culture of the left and denounce refugee rapists all in one.

Not only did she receive the most applause for her poem but would have won the competition because the winner was determined this way.

“From far away the man fell into the hands of traffickers, with no passport and a mobile phone. He arrived in our hallowed German land. Because he can’t get a lady, he helped himself to one with a knife.”

The left-wing organisers couldn’t have that, of course, and simply disqualified her, the winner. She was barred from the award ceremony and another competitor was awarded first prize.

Yes, you guessed it because a 14-year-old girl denouncing rape by people claiming to be asylum seekers is Nazi propaganda.

14yr-old feminist daughter of an Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician performed an "anti-rape" poem referencing a stabbing by "refugees"

Media & Libs labeled her a "Right-Wing Racist" & "Nazi" for daring to speak of attacks on women in Germany – the girls home was vandalized pic.twitter.com/IEZO5CLvRE

Amy Mek (@AmyMek) October 3, 2018

While the left has shown it doesn’t know the meaning of tolerance, what is happening to the family is hard to believe.

One of the city officials accused her of “Spiritual arson and fuelling fears”. Even the Mayor Monika Kabs(CDU) had to share her two cents on the event and accused Müller of using the Poetry Slam as a platform for the AfD.

Facebook banned Benajmin Haupt the District Association Chairman of the AfD for posting video of her in the competition.

It didn’t stop there though. Their house was defaced by somebody spray-painting “Nazi” and “F*ck AfD” on the walls.

Instead of standing up for her freedom of speech some left-wing media like the BBC further fuelled this hatred and called her and her poem racist.

It’s very worrying when a teenage girl and her family are intimidated over a poem denouncing refugee rapists in Germany.

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