Portland Police Order Antifa From Park as Violence Breaks Out - "Soviet Squad" Moves In
Jim Hoft | Tuesday, September 11, 2018 -- 12:07 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 -- 12:55 PM EDT***

THe liberal media is encouraging a soviet take over of the United States endorsing Antifa mobs that shut down political opponents.

***Article first published by "The Gateway Pundit" on Aug. 4, 2018***

Portland police have now ordered far left Antifa to leave the downtown park area.

The black clad communists attempted to crash the pro-Trump Patriot Prayer rally along Waterfront Park down.

Meanwhile, literally communists calling themselves the “Soviet Squad” roll in, sporting USSR flags and hammer & sickle logos on their helmets.

Antifa are refusing to comply with the police orders.

Video reporting courtesy of Mike Bivins:

Antifa has now taken Naito Parkway, marching through the street, in blatant defiance of the police orders, as the Patriot Prayer members march in the park.

BREAKING: POLICE JUST OREDERED ANTIFA (group on the west side of Naito) TO LEAVE THE AREA. Cop on loudspeaker cites armed counterprotesters as the reason. #DefendPDX #AllOutPDX pic.twitter.com/tuzK4AabzF

— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 4, 2018

Soviet squad makes its way to the front of the standoff. #DefendPDX #AllOutPDX #Portland pic.twitter.com/DClTQbclr1

— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 4, 2018

Antifa has now taken Naito Parkway, marching through the street, in blatant defiance of the police orders, as the Patriot Prayer members march in the park.

Apparently this group is still chasing the right-wingers. #defendPDX #alloutpdx pic.twitter.com/kdDCxEyOBh

— PDX Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) August 4, 2018

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