REPORT: The Media Writes 1,656 Times More Political Violence Stories When The "Victim" Is A Leftist
Luke Rohlfing | Thursday, November 8, 2018 -- 2:33 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, November 8, 2018 -- 2:40 PM EST***

Fake news.

***Article first published by 'Big League Politics' on Oct. 30, 2018***

Research by the Media Research Center shows that 91 percent of media coverage of President Donald Trump is negative. But based on research done by watchdog group Far Left Watch, it appears that negativity may extend further than just the president, effecting anybody perceived to be on the right.

Far Left Watch finds that the media is much more likely to cover political violence when the victim is on the left side of the political persuasion, using the recent suspicious packages sent to left-wing targets compared to the toxic ricin letters sent to multiple Republican targets.

As can be seen in the screenshot below, the ricin story, using the name of the alleged sender in the search brings up 2,270 news results, while the suspicious packages brings up 3,760,000 news results.

Google news results show that right-wing terrorism is covered by the media 1,656 times as much as comparable left-wing terrorism.

Ricin elements sent to multiple GOP targets:

Trending: 179 Death Threats Against President Trump Are Live On Twitter…Real Time Updated List

2,270 stories

Fake bombs sent to multiple Dem targets:

3,760,000 stories

Far Left Watch (@FarLeftWatch) October 30, 2018

That means that in this case, the suspicious packages received 1,656 times more coverage in the media.

The toxic ricin letters were sent to the White House and the Pentagon. William Allen of Utah, the alleged sender, has been arrested and taken into custody.

In the suspicious pack case, the sender of the suspicious packages, Cesar Sayoc, has been taken into custody after allegedly sending packages to a number of individuals including former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Joe Biden, billionaire donor George Soros, Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and California Representative Maxine Waters.

On both sides of the aisle these events have been condemned. But one of them is getting wall-to-wall coverage while another is getting measly coverage in comparison.

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