Raw Story Editor Mocks Scalise's Calls For Civility In Politics
Amber Athey | Thursday, October 25, 2018 -- 12:39 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, October 25, 2018 -- 12:55 PM EDT***

Cvility from the left, a major leftist publication, consitent with Queen witch Hillary Clinton's dismissive comments in regards to civility.

***Article first published by 'The Daily Caller' on ***

Martin Cizmar, a senior editor at Raw Story, mocked House Majority Whip Steve Scalise’s calls for civility on Monday.

Scalise, who was nearly killed in last year’s shooting at a Congressional baseball practice, tweeted on Sunday that threats against politicians need to stop.

“This cannot be the new normal,” he wrote. “There is absolutely no place for violence in our political discourse. Democratic leaders need to denounce this behavior.”

These vicious threats have to stop. This cannot be the new normal—there is absolutely no place for violence in our political discourse. Democratic leaders need to denounce this behavior. https://t.co/SRjDwdGval

Rep. Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) October 7, 2018

Cizmar mocked Scalise, responding, “Boo boo little baby.”

Scalise was shot last June after a Sen. Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on a group of Republicans during a baseball practice. Scalise suffered significant internal damage from the gunshot wound and underwent several lifesaving operations before moving into the recovery stages.

He was the victim of an attempted massacre by a crazed, leftwing gunman. I kind of think he has grounds for complaint against violent rhetoric. What’s your angle here? I can tell you, whatever it is, it’s wrong. And bad.

Susan_Wright [Insufficiently Partisan] (@SweetieWalker) October 8, 2018

“Little baby” survived a shooting, Marty.

Annie•V•Foundling (@AV_SardonicWaif) October 8, 2018

Wait…I thought you people believed survivors?

Brain (@waddatwit) October 8, 2018

UPDATE (12:25 PM):

Cizmar is doubling down on his tweets to Scalise and is now calling the Republican congressman an “accomplice” to his own shooting.

He’s not a “survivor” he’s an accomplice.

Martin Cizmar (@martincizmar) October 8, 2018

That’s exactly what he was.

When you oppose gun control and get shot you deserve a Darwin award nomination, not a sympathy card.

Martin Cizmar (@martincizmar) October 8, 2018

When a politician opposes all reasonable gun control and gets shot he deserves a Darwin award nomination not a sympathy card.

Martin Cizmar (@martincizmar) October 8, 2018

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