Rutgers hosts event focused on 'dismantling white organizational culture'
Grace Gottschling | Thursday, July 25, 2019 -- 2:04 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, July 25, 2019 -- 3:16 PM EDT***

Your family is considered organizational culture.

***Article first published by 'Campus Reform' on June 28, 2019***

- Rutgers University hosted an event entitled “Recognizing and Dismantling White Organizational Culture."

- The "pay as you can" event was marketed to nonprofit leaders and board members of any race and ethnicity.

Rutgers University hosted a workshop examining “white United States-ian culture” and “dismantling white organizational culture” on Tuesday.

The Newark, NJ campus of the New Jersey school held “Recognizing and Dismantling White Organizational Culture” to help attendees foster “leadership growth and development.”

Throughout the event, attendees will be taught to “understand what is white United States-ian culture; understand the beliefs and values of white United State-ian culture; recognize characteristics of white United States-ian culture in organizations; begin to explore the impact the culture has on professionals in the field; and learn antidotes to dismantling white organizational culture.”

Rutgers is hosting the event as part of its 2019 Nonprofit Capacity Building Series, put on by the school’s Institute for Ethical Leadership.

While the event page claims the workshop is valued at $120 per person, the official cost lists the event as “pay what you can,” noting the “generous support of our funders.” Nonprofit leaders and board members of any race and ethnicity were welcome.

Bonnie Cushing, an “antiracist organizer” and licensed clinical social worker, is scheduled to lead the workshop. Cushing sits on the board of the Center for the Study of White American Culture as vice president and also does work for the Center for Racial Justice in Education (CRJE).

Cushing was the lead editor of “Accountability and White Antiracist Organizing: Stories From Our Work” and is in the process of editing a book on “spiritualized racial justice practice,” according to the CRJE.

“This topic was selected and identified by our guest editor, Alfred Hermida. He is an extensive digital journalism scholar who has been studying a variety of global trends in the news industry and felt that this topic would be best to tackle in 2020 for the [International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ)] journal,” Amy Schmitz Weiss, ISOJ journal co-editor and research chair told Campus Reform.

Rutgers, the Institute for Ethical Leadership, and Hermida did not return a request for comment in time for press.

Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @Grace_Gotcha

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