Sen. Rand Paul Goes After John Brennan After he Calls Trump 'Treasonous'
Julia Nista | Wednesday, November 14, 2018 -- 12:50 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 -- 1:00 PM EST***

Evil projects itself onto you. It is in fact just a shadow that fades into darkness. Former CIA Director Brennan calls President Trump Treasonous for holding a Press conference when he voted for the communist party at the height of the Cold War.

***Article first published by 'The Daily Caller' on July 18, 2018***

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul went after former CIA director John Brennan following his comments calling President Trump “treasonous” Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“The former director of the CIA, you think of that as a sober minded person, responsible person, kind of a James Bond with maybe an advanced degree. Here you have a naked partisan nut cake describing a press conference as treason,” said Carlson. “How should that make us feel as American citizens?”

“It makes me wonder whether he should be getting a government pension if he’s going to be disrespecting the commander-in-chief, calling the president treasonous. That’s about as overtop as you can imagine,” responded Paul.

Tucker then brought up that “treason is a death penalty offense” and yet that is how Brennan “is describing views.”

“You have to realize John Brennan started his illustrious career by voting for the Communist Party, you know that’s who he wanted to win the presidency, back in the 70s,” Paul said. “When he came to be head of the CIA, I filibustered him because I thought he was bad news from the very beginning.”

Paul added that Brennan “is one of the most powerful people in the world who has the ability to destroy anybody in the world and gain information on anything you do” and “yet with all that power he was coming to work each day with a bias and a hatred of the president, it should worry us all. What other things he could possibly have been doing with that power?”

“I’m a big believer that we need more checks and balances on those in the intelligence community — James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, we need much more surveillance of the watchers,” Paul said.

Brennan is not the only former Obama intelligence official to make outlandish claims. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Trump was “aiding and abetting our arch adversary” Russia.

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