Swedish media, churches cover up 'Jihad' against Churches because could Shock the Public
Ronoc R. | Wednesday, September 26, 2018 -- 1:47 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, September 27, 2018 -- 9:00 AM EDT***

More coverup of the Jihad into Europe.

***Article first published by 'Voice of Europe' on Sept. 26, 2018***

Alhemskyrkan Church in the town of Skellefteå was vandalised with threats of Jihad and death spray painted on the church. A church representative brushed off the threats as “innocent” vandalism, after admitting that this wasn’t the first incident of Islamic hatred toward Christian church’s in Skellefteå.

According to local Swedish newspapers, the police are aware of the incident and claim they are particularly concerned about hate attacks against Christian churches.

The anti-Christian vandalism has been absent from almost all Swedish media, in what one can only guess is an effort to maintain political correctness.

mention what church it occurred at or the explicit anti-Christain nature of of vandalism.

Church of Sweden Communicator P-O Sjödin has claimed that the church purposely did not comment on the attack in hopes that it would just blow over.

Sjödin also admits that this isn’t the first attack on a Christian church in Sweden and called the perpetrators “rascals”. A phrase that would be more appropriately used if this wasn’t a case of religious hatred and instead maybe children playing a joke.

In May of this year St. Olov’s Church was vandalised with the word “Jihad” written on the church. Photos were initially published by the Swedish national broadcaster SVT after outrage from local residents, but were taken down shortly after.

It was deemed “too sensitive” for the public to see. This same church explained away the anti-Christian vandalism saying the word “Jihad” was a “common doodle”. Jihad of course is a term used in Islamic texts to describe the desire for the holy war.

Swedish citizens, especially Christians, remain on edge as their new Middle Eastern residents continue to get a pass on hateful behaviour and the Swedish media continues to cover it up.

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