The Vatican attempts complete media ban of Cardinal Pell's trial
Leo Zagami | Sunday, June 24, 2018 -- 8:41 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, September 27, 2018 -- 9:10 AM EDT***

Yet another Vatican cover-up of their horrific abuse.

***Article first published by 'Leo Zagami' on May 14, 2018***

The Vatican is in turmoil after a magistrate ruled earlier this month that Cardinal George Pell, the most senior Vatican official to be charged in the Catholic Church sex abuse crisis, will stand trial in Australia on charges of alleged sexual abuse of multiple victims, decades ago.

However, after Wednesday May 16th, 2018, you may never hear about this trial from regular Australian media, until it’s over. As Australian journalist Chris Graham, the publisher and editor of New Matilda wrote earlier today: “You won’t even hear about why you’re not hearing about it.”

Graham, also added that “On Friday, the Victorian Department of Public Prosecutions lodged an application with the Country Court of Victoria for a ‘super injunction’ against media coverage of the trial of Cardinal George Pell, who is accused of a number of historical sexual offences.”

Apparently, the undemocratic orders being sought by the DPP, which will be decided on Wednesday morning in the County Court in Melbourne before Chief Judge Peter Kidd, are the following:

(1) Publication is prohibited of any report of the whole or any part of these proceedings and any information derived from this proceeding and any court documents associated with this proceeding.

(2) The prohibition on publication applies within all States and Territories of Australia and on any website or other electronic or broadcast format accessible within Australia.

(3) For the purpose of this order, ‘publication’ has the meaning attributed to it by s3 of the Open Courts Act, that is to say, it means the dissemination or provision of access to the public by any means including, publication in a book, newspaper, magazine or other written publication, or broadcast by radio or television; or public exhibition; or broadcast or electronic communication.

(4) The order will expire upon a jury verdict in respect of the charges on the final indictment, or by further order of the court.

As Chris Graham pointed out in his article:“If Wednesday’s application for a super injunction is successful, this story will have to be removed from publication.”

According to the Annual Reports by Reportiers Sans Frontières(Reporters without Borders) Australia’s Press Freedom ranking is, in fact, in sharp decline.

Not surprisingly, associate Professor Chris Nash Director of the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism, wrote a few years ago that: “Australia is one of literally a handful of states that does not have a legal instrument (either a constitutional or statutory bill of rights) asserting the range and scope of its citizens’ freedoms, including freedom of speech.”

The Vatican can now proceed with their unjust plan to seek a complete ban on the media reporting on Cardinal George Pell’s trial, but fortunately Infowars and others will keep you informed on what is really going on, and we hope the Australian media will be left alone in covering this important story that could unveil the truth about the highly organized world of elite pedophilia in connection with the Vatican.

Related Links:

Vatican official to face 2 separate sex crime trials, and soon

Court to consider request for media gag order in Cardinal Pell trial

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