Theresa May 'subtly signals shift to Communism' wearing a Frida Kahlo bracelet
Jen Mills | Tuesday, August 14, 2018 -- 3:02 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 -- 3:07 PM EDT***

Theresa May is a shill and a patsy for Jihadists.

***Article first published by 'Metro UK' on Oct. 4, 2017***

The prime minister says she wants to build ‘a new generation of council houses to help fix our broken housing market’.

And her speech at the Tory conference also said there will also be a price cap on the domestic energy market.

Wait a minute… Is Theresa May embracing a new social order and the power of the proletariat?

Well, probably not, but her choice of jewellery for the big speech has left some wondering.

She decided to wear a bracelet with several large pictures of celebrated Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

Can I just point out that Theresa May is wearing a bracelet of Frida Kahlo, a member of the Communist party who LITERALLY DATED TROTSKY

— HannahJane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) October 4, 2017

ICYMI, Kahlo was a Communist who explored ideas about revolution in her artwork and had an affair with Leon Trotsky.

She was also left disabled by polio at the age of six, and later a serious road accident which left her in a full body cast for almost a year.

The bracelet seems a strange choice to just be a coincidence, especially given May’s attempt to change the course of attitudes towards her party.

‘Comrade May is a sleeper agent, tasked with destroying the Conservatives from the inside,’ Jake Callaghan tweeted.

‘This is a cry for help will someone please listen,’ Emily Baker claimed.

Lol @ Theresa May wearing Frida Kahlo bracelet. A disabled bisexual woman of colour and a Communist to boot. Sure they would have got along!

— Cosmo Godfree (@cosmo_godfree) October 4, 2017

But others suspected the awkward elements of Theresa May’s speech (that would include: getting handed a P45, her sign literally falling down as she spoke, and a coughing fit which stopped her from saying anything) were Kahlo getting revenge for using her image to promote Tory ideas.

‘When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death,’ Ash Sarkar captioned a photo of the prime minister almost spitting out her water.

When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death for abusing her image and everything she ever stood for. #CPC17

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 4, 2017

Her dry throat was so bad that Chancellor Philip Hammond felt compelled to give her a sore throat sweet to which she quipped: ‘I hope you noticed that, the Chancellor giving something away for free’.

Despite her supposed embrace of socialism, the prime minister still took a moment to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, saying that he was actually the one who should be getting a P45. has contacted the Conservative Party for comment. @ Theresa May wearing Frida Kahlo bracelet. A disabled bisexual woman of colour and a Communist to boot. Sure they would have got along!

— Cosmo Godfree (@cosmo_godfree) October 4, 2017

But others suspected the awkward elements of Theresa May’s speech (that would include: getting handed a P45, her sign literally falling down as she spoke, and a coughing fit which stopped her from saying anything) were Kahlo getting revenge for using her image to promote Tory ideas.

‘When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death,’ Ash Sarkar captioned a photo of the prime minister almost spitting out her water.

When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death for abusing her image and everything she ever stood for. #CPC17

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 4, 2017

Her dry throat was so bad that Chancellor Philip Hammond felt compelled to give her a sore throat sweet to which she quipped: ‘I hope you noticed that, the Chancellor giving something away for free’.

Despite her supposed embrace of socialism, the prime minister still took a moment to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, saying that he was actually the one who should be getting a P45. has contacted the Conservative Party for comment. @ Theresa May wearing Frida Kahlo bracelet. A disabled bisexual woman of colour and a Communist to boot. Sure they would have got along!

— Cosmo Godfree (@cosmo_godfree) October 4, 2017

But others suspected the awkward elements of Theresa May’s speech (that would include: getting handed a P45, her sign literally falling down as she spoke, and a coughing fit which stopped her from saying anything) were Kahlo getting revenge for using her image to promote Tory ideas.

‘When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death,’ Ash Sarkar captioned a photo of the prime minister almost spitting out her water.

When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death for abusing her image and everything she ever stood for. #CPC17

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 4, 2017

Her dry throat was so bad that Chancellor Philip Hammond felt compelled to give her a sore throat sweet to which she quipped: ‘I hope you noticed that, the Chancellor giving something away for free’.

Despite her supposed embrace of socialism, the prime minister still took a moment to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, saying that he was actually the one who should be getting a P45. has contacted the Conservative Party for comment. @ Theresa May wearing Frida Kahlo bracelet. A disabled bisexual woman of colour and a Communist to boot. Sure they would have got along!

— Cosmo Godfree (@cosmo_godfree) October 4, 2017

But others suspected the awkward elements of Theresa May’s speech (that would include: getting handed a P45, her sign literally falling down as she spoke, and a coughing fit which stopped her from saying anything) were Kahlo getting revenge for using her image to promote Tory ideas.

‘When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death,’ Ash Sarkar captioned a photo of the prime minister almost spitting out her water.

When the ghost of Frida Kahlo comes back to strangle you to death for abusing her image and everything she ever stood for. #CPC17

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 4, 2017

Her dry throat was so bad that Chancellor Philip Hammond felt compelled to give her a sore throat sweet to which she quipped: ‘I hope you noticed that, the Chancellor giving something away for free’.

Despite her supposed embrace of socialism, the prime minister still took a moment to criticise Jeremy Corbyn, saying that he was actually the one who should be getting a P45. has contacted the Conservative Party for comment.

communism, uk, brexit, theresamay, communismkills, jihadgtfo
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