Turkey calls for global crackdown against "anti-Islam" attacks from the "far right"
Christine Douglass-Williams | Tuesday, June 11, 2019 -- 12:41 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 -- 1:01 PM EDT***

"Far Right" seems a bit relative in light of reality. This NATO ally seems to not be a very good ally. We should let Russia take them over.

***Article first published by 'Jihad Watch' on june 10, 2019***

Turkey’s Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül “has reiterated Turkey’s stance against terrorism and urged Western politicians to take action against rising anti-Islam attack.” Such so-called terror attacks against Muslims are infrequent and uncoordinated with any larger group, but Muslim attacks against infidels are organized, calculated and ubiquitous. How many countries are calling for stronger action against jihad terror on infidels by Muslims globally? This should be a focus of all democracies.

Turkey is a leader in jihad terror. The country held special “conquest” prayers in all of Turkey’s 90,000 mosques last year “for the victory of the country’s military, which launched a cross border operation in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region on Jan. 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units.” Erdogan then dispatched soldiers to “decimate” the Kurds. This news was not featured prominently in the Western media, but had it been Israel or any other Western nation calling for such “conquest prayers” in places of worship and then dispatching soldiers to “decimate” a population, it most certainly would have been front page news everywhere and still widely discussed today.

Erdogan has also called for an army of Islam to wage war against Israel, and pronounced that “Europe will be Muslim.” Meanwhile, Turkey is advocating for a Western crackdown on so-called anti-Islam attacks, specifically from the “far right." It is “populists” that stands in the way of Turkey’s goal of a renewed Ottoman Empire, but Turkey’s biggest support base along with fellow jihadists are Western globalists. For example, Brussels has been trying to facilitate Turkey’s long-sought full membership in the EU. And Turkey has offered to help Canada — ruled by a globalist government — repatriate Islamic State fighters, while Canada continues to crack down on “Islamophobia” and so-called “online hate.”

“Turkey calls for stronger action against anti-Islam attacks worldwide,” Daily Sabah, June 10, 2019:

Ankara is calling on Western administrations to embrace a more solid stance against rising anti-Islam attacks worldwide.

“It is obvious that these attacks will increase as long as Western politicians and media do not have strong reactions,” Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül said during his visit to New Haven Diyanet Mosque in Connecticut, which was attacked last month.

Stressing that Turkey condemns the attack on the highest level, Gül said Ankara will closely monitor the investigation process. An anti-Muslim attack took place in New Haven against a Turkish mosque on May 12, the seventh day of Ramadan, a holy month during which Muslims fast and pray. After the attack, the Religious Services Attaché of the Turkish Consulate General in New York said an investigation was underway into the fire at Diyanet Mosque and that efforts are being made to catch the perpetrators. While a reward of up to $2,500 has been offered by local officials for any information that leads to the arrest or conviction of the perpetrators, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also set a $10,000 reward for information on the crime. The justice minister thanked local authorities for their support, emphasizing that the mosque will be renovated. Following the attack, religious authorities in the U.S. and the administration of the Diyanet Mosque in New Haven have enhanced efforts to repair the mosque as soon as possible in solidarity with the local community.

A funding campaign was launched on a website called Launchgood for the renovation expenditures: $200,000 has been collected so far. While the damage to the mosque totaled more than $500,000, the priority was to collect $100,000 during the first phase of the donation campaign until the official investigation is completed.

Noting that an anti-Islam worldview has been encouraged in recent years, Gül said the attacks against Muslims, including the one occurred in New Zealand, and clearly shows the rising anti-Islam sentiment.

“We are witnessing an increasing number of attacks against mosques and rising fascism in Europe in recent years. Politicians and media should raise their voice against this hate rhetoric. Otherwise, these attacks will continue,” Gül said.

Accompanying Gül on the visit, Deputy Foreign Minister Yavuz Selim Kıran also emphasized rising anti-Islam acts and indifference of administrations of Western countries against these attacks.

Anti-Islam attacks soared, especially in European countries, in recent years. For example, Germany has witnessed growing Islamophobia and hatred of migrants triggered by far-right parties, which have exploited fears over the refugee crisis and terrorism. Police recorded 813 hate crimes against Muslims last year. At least 54 Muslims were injured in the attacks, which were carried out mostly by far-right extremists….

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