UK: Muslim gang in London attacks gay men — with acid. WATCH what happened next...
Ezra Levant | Monday, February 18, 2019 -- 3:32 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, February 18, 2019 -- 4:16 PM EST***

The media is controlled by the Communist Jihad Nazi alliance that has taken a hold of Europe and it is once again up to the Allies to destroy the unholy alliance.

***Article first published by 'Rebel Media' on Jan. 18, 2019***

There’s a gay bar in London, England, in a neighbourhood called Hackney, called the Dalston Superstore.

But one day a gang of Turkish Muslim men went there in the wee hours of the morning, and as some gay men emerged from the club, this gang jumped them, beat them, and then, when they were down, spraying the gay men in the face and eyes with acid.

(That’s a thing in London. People carrying around acid in bottle to spray at each other. It happens almost every day.)

And in one early report on this crime outside the bar in Hackney, it says:

Scotland Yard are not currently treating the incident as a homophobic attack.

OK, fast forward to today.

Here’s the news after the trial, by the local newspaper, after the convictions and sentencing:

Dalston homophobic ‘acid attack’: Gang of cowardly thugs jailed over ‘truly shocking’ bank holiday assault

Oh, so it was homophobic.

In fact, reading the facts of this case, I don't see how it is any different from a terrorist attack.

One of the attackers was sentenced to 17 years. I know that, like in Canada, that means he’ll be back on the streets in five years. But still — it’s a solid sentence.

But others got far less. A couple of the acid throwers got 14 years. But others were sentenced to 30 months. 27 months. 18 months. (He’ll be out by summertime.) And one man, Turgut Adakan, was sentenced to 18 months, but that was suspended for two years.

As in, no time in jail.

Tommy Robinson got a 13-month sentence for doing journalism — and he served 10 weeks of it in solitary confinement. Turgut Adakan participates in an acid attack and brutal beating outside a gay night club — and he’s told to be on good behaviour.

Now, have you heard of this attack?

If you’re a Canadian or America, I’m sure you haven’t. And if you’re a Brit, I doubt you have either.

The Evening Standard — the national paper that reported on the original crime, and said that Scotland Yard said it was definitely not a homophobic hate crime — they don’t seem to be interested anymore.

Two small local papers — the Hackney Gazette, and its sister paper the Newham Recorder — reported on it, running the same story.

But as I'll show you TONIGHT, not even the Gazette, the local paper, could bring itself to use the word "Islam."

Now, if it were a gang of “alt right” whites, would that make news?

Do you think the BBC would do a work-up on all nine criminals — checking out their Facebook pages, to see what politicians they liked? Do you think there would be debates in Parliament; do you think there would be solidarity banners on the Internet — do you think the Eiffel Tower would be lit up in rainbow colours?

But it’s Islam.

I’m not sure if I’d call this a cover-up. There were arrests and prosecutions and convictions and sentences.

But there was also a lot of silence, and a lot of denial...

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