UK: Psychologist behind "deradicalization" scheme says there's no guarantee jihadis can ever be "cured"
Robert Spencer | Thursday, January 9, 2020 -- 12:23 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, January 9, 2020 -- 12:42 PM EST***

Might have done an analysis of the data before a massive surge flooded into the West. Oh, thats right, covered up the data while encouraging Sharia law. Why?

***Article first published by 'Jihad Watch' on Jan. 4, 2020***

No kidding, really? I’ve been pointing out for years that deradicalization programs are an abysmal failure everywhere they have been implemented. From the Jihad Watch archives:

UK: London jihadi stabbed man at deradicalization event, victim’s father hopes killing won’t be used as a “pretext”

Gitmo prisoner reveals: Saudi “deradicalization program” is really a jihad training program

11 ex-Gitmo prisoners flee the Saudi “rehabilitation program” and join up with terrorist groups

Jaw-dropper: 25 former Gitmo detainees “return to militancy” despite Saudi rehab program!

Graduate from Saudi jihadi rehab program killed in Syrian jihad: “killed a large number of Christians before his acceptance by God”

Flight 253 jihadist wasn’t cured by Saudi anti-jihad art therapy

Former Guantanamo detainee now top al-Qaeda ideologue — “He was transferred to Saudi Arabia in 2006 where he was placed in a national rehabilitation project.”

Indonesian government admits that its jihadist rehab program is a failure
Malaysia: Muslim cleric active in deradicalization program promotes hatred of non-Muslims

France’s only jihadi “deradicalization” center is closing — it was voluntary, and it was empty

Australia: Multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded “deradicalization” helpline “failing to gain traction”

The whole premise of “deradicalization” is that Islam is a religion of peace that jihadis misunderstand, twist, and hijack. Since that is a false premise, and warfare against unbelievers is actually taught in the Qur’an and Sunnah, “deradicalization” focuses on other issues, such as “anger issues” that the jihadi may have, his feelings of “alienation,” and the like.

Christopher Dean said some offenders he worked with needed 20 or more sessions to show signs of positive change

But since none of that changes what the Qur’an and Sunnah say about warfare against unbelievers, it doesn’t “deradicalize” the jihadi at all.

“Psychologist behind Britain’s terrorist deradicalisation scheme says there is NO guarantee offenders can ever be ‘CURED’ or pose no threat to society,” by Henry Martin, Mailonline, January 2, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

“Deradicalisation programmes are not guaranteed to ‘cure’ those who undergo them, the psychologist behind the UK’s main such scheme has said.
Christopher Dean said some offenders who take part in his Healthy Identity Intervention scheme regress afterwards due to complex reasons such as who they mix with.

Mr Dean said some offenders he worked with needed 20 or more sessions to show signs of positive change – and there is still no guarantee of success.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday, Mr Dean said: ‘I think we have to be very careful about ever saying that somebody no longer presents a risk of committing an offence. I don’t think you can ever be sure.

‘We have to be very careful about saying someone has totally changed or has been cured.’

London Bridge killer Usman Khan attended a deradicalisation programme after being released on licence.

Khan was a convicted terrorist who had been a member of an al Qaida-inspired group that plotted to blow up the London Stock Exchange.

The 28-year-old killed two people and injured three others in a knife rampage before being shot dead by police in November.

He had been released from prison on licence in December 2018, by which time Khan reportedly appeared to be responding to rehabilitation.

And last month it was reported that Fusilier Lee Rigby’s killer Michael Adebolajo is part of a deradicalisation programme in the jail where Khan was an inmate.

Adebolajo, 34, is acting as an unofficial mentor to inmates at HMP Woodhill in Buckinghamshire, from which Khan was released in December last year, according to The Sun on Sunday.

He is serving a life sentence for the horrific murder of Drummer Rigby in 2013.

Adebolajo was reported to have renounced extremism last year and apologised to the soldier’s family, claiming he had been ‘brainwashed’ and ‘misinterpreted the Koran’….

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