U.S. Brings In Millions Of Immigrants As Millions Of Jobs Are About to be Replaced by Automation
Chris Menahan | Friday, May 24, 2019 -- 7:37 AM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Friday, May 24, 2019 -- 7:55 AM EDT***

This is what elitists think is the controlled demolition of civilization in favor of a breakaway civilization, in reality it is a dark ritual of death. We should never forget that the first computer was invented by IBM to keep track of those in the concentration camps. Choose life. †

***Article first published by 'Information Liberation' on May 16, 2019***

Total immigration numbers to the US are near or above record highs and yet millions of jobs are on the brink of being replaced by robots.

Laura Ingraham has been trying to get this into the mainstream consciousness lately:

Robotics and automation will be replacing millions of entry and mid-level workers in the next 10 yrs—we don’t need more foreign workers OR illegal immigrants. https://t.co/zV9qCkhUIV

Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) May 14, 2019

Here's several examples from just the last week...

WATCH: Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs https://t.co/YBY6e02waO pic.twitter.com/IqMC84i1WH

Reuters Top News (@Reuters) May 14, 2019

From Reuters, "Amazon rolls out machines that pack orders and replace jobs":

Amazon.com Inc is rolling out machines to automate a job held by thousands of its workers: boxing up customer orders.

The company started adding technology to a handful of warehouses in recent years, which scans goods coming down a conveyor belt and envelops them seconds later in boxes custom-built for each item, two people who worked on the project told Reuters.

Amazon has considered installing two machines at dozens more warehouses, removing at least 24 roles at each one, these people said. These facilities typically employ more than 2,000 people.

That would amount to more than 1,300 cuts across 55 U.S. fulfillment centers for standard-sized inventory. Amazon would expect to recover the costs in under two years, at $1 million per machine plus operational expenses, they said.

A driverless electric truck begins daily freight deliveries in Sweden https://t.co/BCU3um0zKO pic.twitter.com/F8zgggs3ym

Reuters Top News (@Reuters) May 16, 2019

Also from Reuters, "Driverless electric truck starts deliveries on Swedish public road":

Resembling the helmet of a Star Wars stormtrooper, a driverless electric truck began daily freight deliveries on a public road in Sweden on Wednesday, in what developer Einride and logistics customer DB Schenker described as a world first.

Robert Falck, the CEO of Swedish start-up Einride, said the company was in partnership talks with major suppliers to help scale production and deliver orders, and the firm did not rule out future tie-ups with large truckmakers.

“This public road permit is a major milestone ... and it is a step to commercializing autonomous technology on roads,” the former Volvo executive told Reuters.

From CNBC, "Here’s the autonomous robot Ford built. It’s one of the company’s newest employees at a factory in Spain":

The Ford Motor manufacturing plant in Valencia, Spain, has a new delivery employee — an autonomous robot named “Survival.”

The self-driving robot uses lidar (light detection and ranging) technology to visualize its surroundings and deliver spare parts to where they’re needed in the facility. It was manufactured by Ford engineers and is the first of its kind to be used at one of the company’s European plants.

Ford said Survival gives employees more time to undertake more complex tasks.

“When it first started you could see employees thinking they were in some kind of sci-fi movie, stopping and staring at it as it went by,” Eduardo García Magraner, manufacturing manager at the Valencia factory, said in a statement. “Now they just get on with their jobs knowing the robot is smart enough to work around them.”

It's very clear where this trend is going, though the massive amount of immigration we've had has no doubt slowed the process due to the abundance of cheap labor driving down wages.

If current trends continue, we're going to have a ruling class of Big Tech oligarchs ruling over everyone and everything with a peon slave class boxed in third-world slums struggling to afford an overpriced "Amazon Tiny Home."

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