Why is Canada's Trudeau Welcoming ISIS Jihadists and telling Canadian Citizens they aren't Welcome?
Citizen Kane | Monday, November 5, 2018 -- 5:07 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 -- 8:12 AM EST***

The answer is, because he is a likely member of a sadist cult that dabbles in Jihad and Communism.

Imagine a place where if you are a fiscally responsible person taking a proactive role in civics and your community and you ask of your representative how he or she intends to pay for various government programs, or you ask for accountability from your government, and you are attacked by that government official and called a bigot and summarily dismissed, your legitimate place in the country is summarily revoked, and finally some goons come over to intimidate you and silence you.

This is something that happens when countries descend into crackpot dictatorships and Communist 'revolutions.'

This is also exactly what happened when a Canadian woman asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau how he intends to pay for a government program for illegal immigrants.

Trudeau responded by channeling his inner despot voice and saying "This intolerance towards immigrants has no room in Canada."

This comes after Trudeau has come under fire for policies and statements that would raise the alarm of anyone, regardless of race; statements like "returning ISIS fighters can be an extraordinarily powerful voice."

You can see why people like this Canadian woman are so concerned about immigration, especially if you consider the effects Muslim migration has had on Europe and begining to have in Canada and America. I guess Trudeau and his comrades think more of ISIS than it's own citizens, or maybe they just think that they are more useful for their agenda to seize power than to serve their people.

Later, Trudeau then proceeds to call her a racist because she asked if he was intolerant of Quebec citizens, who have been largely opposed to Trudeau's immigration policy and who have consistently had their concerns dismissed by Trudeau's supporters as racist because they are majority white.

After, a man with an ear piece comes over and starts to insinuate that she is making threats. The woman is then physically taken out and physically assaulted.

What a shining beacon for tolerance!

These scenarios are common place in western poltics given that unanimous usurpation of power by communists among each country's left leaning Parties, which all are in lock step with the same agenda.

The incident is just the latest in a long list of developments surrounding the Canadian Prime Minister that have had many speculating about the nature of his poltical agenda and whether or not he is some kind of Communist plant working to undermine the sovereignty of his country and the people he is supposed to represent.

The close relationship Trudeau's mother had with Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro and Trudeau's striking resemblance, has for a long time roused suspicion about the operation that got Trudeau into office and whether or not the Canadian Prime Minister is one of what those in the Communist-Jihad fighting business refer to as 'Red Diaper Babies.'

Red Diaper Babies are essentially those in the Communist Party who are more equal, those who - "ironically" - have inherited a certain amount of prestige and standing and who are in effect Manchurian Candidates, raised since birth in the art of subterfuge, deception and espionage.

They are usually the offspring of arranged "couplings" that are sometimes arranged outside of marriage, given that the party "ironically" operates much like the old monarchies - and even some present day middle eastern cultures - which arranged marriages and child conception based on power broking.

Red Diaper Babies have been conditioned to view those outside the party as the enemy and how to operate 'behind enemy lines'; to despise their country and the countrymen, and to seek the destruction of anyone who stands between the party and its dominance.

Trudeau and his party has a long list of Communist policies that go against traditional Western values of tolerance and freedom. Just recently a executive from his party called people like this woman 'sub human' and called for their internment in camps, echoing sentiments shared by American counterparts like Hillary Clinton.

Most recently he has been found to have positioned Communist Chinese spying devices outside a US Nuclear Submarine Naval base.

Now Trudeau's administration is positioning a large scale invasion as it plan's to "Lead the Charge on the UN's global refugee plan" in accordance with the agenda of a supra national organization to end national sovereignty and thus representative government.

Can you say #CommunistJihad invasion is upon us?

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