'Refounding Fathers of America' Stirs the Pot
Citizen Kane | Monday, July 26, 2021 -- 4:29 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, July 26, 2021 -- 8:49 PM EDT***

Super Happy Fun America continues to gain in popularity as the clown show is revealed. Rally attendees discuss networking, modes of resistance to increasingly tyrannical government, and possible woodstockesque event in the future!

On Saturday, July 24, 2021, Super Happy Fun America (SHFA) hosted “The Refounding Fathers Festival” at the Century Sportsman's Club in Auburn, MA.

SHFA describes itself as “a right of center civil rights organization focusing on defending the Constitution, opposing gender madness and defeating cultural Marxism” and first gained popularity after hosting its “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston that created quite the stir among critics and opponents of SHFA's message.

The Saturday event was billed as a way to build community from which average people who oppose the agenda being foisted on them from wealthy lobby interests in Washington DC, Government Center, and the mainstream, corporate media, can garner support and raise awareness of issues and values that matter to them.

The issue of primary focus was the January 6 protests that were in response to suspected voter fraud during the 2020 election and which ultimately led to the storming of the Capitol building and to many attendants being criminally charged or incarcerated.

Over all, the sentiment shared by those who attended the event was frustration over the lack of accountability and lawlessness of American oligarchs and Law Enforcement.

“Earlier in the week far left activists were incessantly phoning and emailing the gun club and demanding the event be canceled,” SHFA's Mark Sahady said with respect to the continuous challenges they have had to face when attempting to exercise their first amendment rights. “A town selectman also called for the event to be canceled and representative McGovern criticized it. The Auburn police chief told the club that if they did not cancel the event then he would recommend against renewing their liquor license and also threatened their ability to get a permit for the hay ride they do every fall.”

The Auburn Police Department failed to respond for comment.

Sahady, one of SHFA's founding members who was previously involved with organizing Resist Marxism Protests in Boston and elsewhere, has not only been deplatformed on social media along with others who have criticized the the doctrine pushed by who they refer to as the “cultural marxists” and embraced by the Democrat party and and Big Tech, but he has also had his bank account canceled with First Republic Bank and multiple credit cards canceled “despite having near perfect credit.”

SHFA's Operations Director Sue Ianni had her PayPal, Teespring, Go Fund Me, and Patreon accounts closed and her credit cards from Citi Aadvantage, Master Card and Macy's all cancelled. Sahady was fired from his job as a result of an FBI investigation.

“This same FBI is allowing an orgy of violence from Antifa/BLM to go unchallenged,” SHFA wrote in their 'De-banking Our Leaders' Press Release. “In our once free nation a totalitarian regime is emerging. If they can do it to us – they can do it to you. Patriotic Americans need to push back before it's too late.”

Upon arriving on the street where the Gun Club is located, event attendants were greeted by counter protesters on the corner waving rainbow flags that read “Be Kind” and bearing signs that bore slogans like “Hate isn't welcome here.”

Upon entering the event, attendants were greeted by private security and then a giant sign that read “Marriage = *Man Emoji* + *Woman Emoji*.”

“They just loot your economy, give you the finger, and then pay the people that just screwed you,” speaker Dave Kopacz, host of 'Red Pill Politics' said about the 2008 financial crisis and the banking system. “That wasn't it. Agenda 21 comes rolling in, anyone heard of that? There was a day when I would say that and the crickets would chirp. They're taking your property rights. Had a decade of sustainable development education that really pushed what is chapter 36 of that document into your schools. That's where your 'Critical Race Theory' comes from; your 'Social Justice,' which is a created term – no such thing; 'Environmental justice;' 'Economic Justice,' that's fun in your little game world, but it's not real!”

"So they took our property rights. That wasn't the pinch, so now they put your kids into a public school, they come out hating their country; don't know what bathroom to be in. This Cultural Marxism that we started hearing about is very real. It starts in the schools. Hitler and Stalin knew that you start young: you inculcate the youth at a very early age, and they have and they are. You can go into your schools …. and they're teaching sexuality education that has roots to an organization that has killed the most black people that I know of, which is Planned Parenthood. I love to go into a selectman's meeting every once and a while.. and you say to them 'I'd like to be recognized to take a few moments to talk about some of the curriculum current sex ed program, specifically about this thing: using cellophane if you are going to have oral or anal sex.'

Now I hope I can say that to this yard of adults because they're teaching it to your little kids. And worse, 'masturbation can be fun when you're alone but it can be even more fun when you are in little groups.' Yeah your gonna laugh because if you don't you're gonna cry. What parent ever sat there and thought “oh boy, when I have that birds and bees talk how am I going to work in that cellophane thing? They're doing things that they shouldn't be doing. They've deviated from scholastics, we've got kids that can't read and write. They're trying to get rid of cursive writing. They're replacing history. We don't even know what, it keeps evolving. Whatever it is that they want it to be. So they've attacked our kids. That wasn't the pinch. COVID. Good lord! The commerce clause is a mandate on government to keep commerce regular. When they come in and say 'I think we need to find out who's essential and who's not,' I think we need to shut you all down, I mean you've tipped a big domino over. We didn't resist...

I'm tired of this groundhog day situation. When I get through here today, you're either going to be thinking new thoughts or your going to kick my ass out because you don't want to hear it again, because I will say it again. If we don't get off our asses and push back, and I don't mean a little bit in a subtle way to maintain political correctness either, I mean in a profound way. Knock them back on their heels and know they're in a fight. We gotta bring on the political pain. All government is local government. We've gotta bring things back to where things are within our reach.”

- Dave Kopacz

“There is a flag that is all over this country, rainbow flag that says 'peace' on it,” Ianni said with respect to the attempts to shut down speech, lifestyles, and opinions that undermine the 'cultural marxist' agenda under the guise of inclusivity and projections of intolerance and hate.

Ianni went on to comment on how a movement that was spawned from tolerance and respect for individuals lifestyle choices morphed into a bludgeon to groom children, control language, and undermine and attack institutions whose tolerance allowed for the movement to emerge in the first place.

“What that really is, it's no different than the Nazi flag. It's a flag of intimidation. Shut up. Comply and never rise up again, but we are rising up! And they wouldn't have that flag if it wasn't for this flag,” Ianni said holding up the American Flag. “This is the flag of freedom and peace.”

“It looks like they're going to spend probably one-hundred thousand dollars between the two of them just defending against these charges, and they might still wind up in some sort of Federal penitentiary,” SHFA's Samson Racioppi said with regard to the legal battle Sahady and Ianni are facing following the Jan. 6 protests. “It breaks my heart to think about. We need to support them trying to get donations to fund their legal defense team and trying to network. People ask me how I'm doing, and I tell them I'm doing good, but its a lie and I hate that I lie to so many people's faces. I'm not doing well. I know they're not doing well. Considering what we're uop against, I don't think any of us are doing well. Even if you are completely behind the COVID 19 agenda and whatever else that's going on, and that's probably the whole point: to sew division, to get us fighting with each other so they can come and do their power grab.”

Racioppi went on to draw parallels between what happened in Nazi Germany to what took place on January 6, noting that the apathy and indifference is the hallmark of a society on the brink.

“We can't be like waiting for the savior to show up while the enemy is advancing. We have to have some sort of front. We have to mobilize and fight back,” Racioppi said. “There's nobody that's going to come and help us. Imagine that they come at my door in the middle of the night. It's just going to be me and my dog. What am I going to do? I don't know what the answer is, but I know that we need to be asking all of these people who have all of these ideas and unique life experiences to be like 'what do you think is going on and what do you think about how we move forward?'"

“We were talking about Jan. 6 and I was saying that I think we have seen a parallel in history before with the Reichstag fire.. my understanding is that it was a false flag that was used to go against the Nazi party's political opposition... I hope the truth comes out some day, because I think we're going to be horrified,” Racioppi said after asked about reports that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and DC Mayor Bowser ordered the National Guard to stand down and video evidence of Capitol Police ushering protesters into the Capitol Building. “We're going to equate this with the horrors of the holocaust, and I think we're just getting started. I think that the gas-lighting; I think they've been doing human experimentation. I think they've been doing all sorts of nasty disgusting things. We know about MK-Ultra. They said they quit it. I think there continuing it to this very day. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the mRNA vaccines had something to do with it.”

You can donate to the Sahady and Ianni defense fund at their Give Send Go account or reach out to Super Happy Fun America at their website to find out how else you may be able to contribute.

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