-WATCH- Muslim Refugees, Immigrants Say They're Who Make Maine Great
Maine First Media Staff | Wednesday, May 1, 2019 -- 4:05 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 -- 4:09 PM EDT***

The Communist-Jihad, has been carefully routing Islamic migrants into isolated areas that are clearly not designed to encourage assimilation but rather to manipulate the electoral map.

The Lewiston City Council will vote Tuesday on approving a measure to officially support a bill, currently in the Legislature, that would create a new “Office of New Mainers” and a new multi-million-dollar Foreign Welcome Center.

This will be the third time the proposal has been brought before the council in recent weeks.

Maine First Media has been following the story closely.

It was first discussed at the January 16th council meeting. It was again addressed at the January 23rd meeting — where a vote was tabled while councilors waited on some wording changes.

Several Muslim refugees and immigrants from Lewiston and Portland spoke at the previous council meetings.

In their remarks, they stress that they aren’t going anywhere — whether Mainers like it or not!

They also take credit for making Lewiston and Maine great.

One of the speakers even fought against the idea of assimilation saying it forces refugees and immigrants to give up who they are.

You can watch clips from their remarks in the video at the top of the story.

LD 1492, the “Act to Recruit, Educate and Retain New Mainers” proposal has caused problems outside of Lewiston as well.

Last week, Maine-First advocacy organization, New England Opportunity Project blasted an e-mail requesting supporters urge Education Committee members to oppose the bill. Unfortunately, an amended version of the bill sailed through the committee in a matter of minutes.

RINO Sen. Susan Collins reacted to the e-mail by saying she will no longer support NEOP President, Rep. Larry Lockman (R-Amherst).

Rep. Lockman responded by saying Sen. Collins had long since lost his support due to her actions in the swamp of D.C. and mentioned he wouldn’t be losing any sleep over the Senator not endorsing him.

In fact, Rep. Lockman suggested Comrade Collins is out of touch with Mainers.

If you’d like to share your thoughts on the bill ahead of the city council’s vote Tuesday, click here for contact information.

Maine First Media will continue following this story as it develops. Stay tuned for The Mosher Minutes tomorrow which will touch on the proposal of an “Office of New Mainers” and a multi-million dollar, new, Foreign Welcome Center.

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