After Lobbying Big Tech to Ban Infowars, CNN Says Big Tech Censorship is a Conspiracy Theory
Paul Joseph Watson | Monday, September 10, 2018 -- 8:14 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Monday, September 10, 2018 -- 8:20 PM EDT***

Claims it’s “false” that conservatives are being silenced

***Article first published by 'Info Wars' on Aug. 27, 2018***

After months of having lobbied social media giants to silence Infowars, CNN published an article insisting that President Trump’s complaint that social media companies were silencing conservatives was a conspiracy theory.

In an article entitled Trump props up false claim that big tech is out to silence conservatives, CNN’s Oliver Darcy, the same reporter who repeatedly lobbied YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to censor Infowars, asserts that there is no political agenda to censor conservatives.

Responding to Trump’s tweet about social media giants “silencing millions of people,” Darcy accused the President of “exacerbating a longstanding paranoia from conservatives who have for years erroneously accused social media companies of bias and censorship.”

However, his article is absent the admission that Facebook, YouTube and other Big Tech outlets banned Infowars after months of intense lobbying by CNN, a competitor network, to shut down their competition

Back in February, Darcy began abusing his CNN platform to lobby YouTube to shut down the Alex Jones Show, an effort that was almost successful at the time, before the channel finally was shut down earlier this month.

Darcy then switched his attention to Facebook, attending a Facebook event and asking executives from the social media site, “Why InfoWars is still allowed on the platform.”

Facebook invited me to an event today where the company aimed to tout its commitment to fighting fake news and misinformation.

I asked them why InfoWars is still allowed on the platform.

I didn't get a good answer.

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 12, 2018

Shortly after Darcy repeatedly demanded to know why Infowars was not banned, Facebook suspended Alex Jones’ personal account and then deleted the official Alex Jones page as well as other Infowars pages altogether.

Not content with YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify banning Jones completely, Darcy kept up the pressure, demanding to know why Twitter had only slapped Jones with a 7 day ban.

Darcy’s campaign to have Infowars banned even led some commentators to speculate that CNN’s senior media reporter had a creepy obsession with Alex Jones.

The deliberate targeting of Infowars was also intensified after top Democratic lawmakers demanded Alex Jones be censored, again illustrating that the silencing of Jones and Infowars was part of a wider political agenda.

Last month, Democratic Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) pressured Facebook to ban Infowars during a hearing into social media censorship on Capitol Hill.

This followed another lobbying effort last year by Democratic Congressman Mike Quigley to force Twitter into shadow banning tweets from Infowars accounts.

While Darcy asserts that social media giants are not censoring anyone because of their political opinions, he fails to point out the numerous examples where precisely that happened, such as when Gavin McInnes was banned by Twitter shortly before a right-wing rally in Washington, D.C. despite McInnes and his Proud Boys group repeatedly disavowing violence.

Tommy Robinson was also banned by Twitter for his political activism, while Project Veritas journalist Laura Loomer was banned by Facebook after she confronted two Muslim candidates at a political event.

None of these examples are mentioned by Darcy in his article, because if they were it would prove that conservatives are being discriminated against, thanks in part to underhanded efforts by networks like CNN to pressure social media giants into enacting arbitrary censorship justified by vague claims of violations of terms of service that aren’t even properly identified.

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