Ohio: Opposing Groups Rally at Columbus Terror Mosque
Creeping Sharia | Thursday, June 21, 2018 -- 6:16 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Thursday, June 21, 2018 -- 7:19 PM EDT***

Jihadi Mosque? No problem for liberal bleeding hearts. Evangelical Christians peacefully protesting the terror breeding ground, well that "hate" just cannot stand! Liberalism is officially becoming a mental disorder.

Muslims must be laughing at us. Source: Opposing Groups Rally at Columbus Mosque on Eid [Video]

Opposing protest groups rallied in front of Colombus, Ohio’s Omar Ibn El-Khattab Mosque on June 15, as Muslims celebrated Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan.

One group of protesters formed a protective line in front of the Mosque as another anti-Muslim group protested from across the street.

According to a Facebook post from one of the organisers, the goal of the counter-protesters in front of the Mosque was the “de-escalation of the radical anti-Muslim group’s message.”

Why does someone who supposedly embodies “peace and non-violence” defend a mosque known for producing al-Qaeda jihadists and an ideology that is inherently violent? And use a young child as a prop?


Tomorrow before noon our neighborhood mosque is being targeted for a hateful protest (marketed as “evangelizing”) as the end of Ramadan is celebrated. Asking any sympathetic, kind people to please mobilize and form a line of protection for those entering and exiting the mosque for Eid al-Fitr.


Deescalation of the radical anti-Muslim group’s message.

Embody peace and non-violence.

Solidarity with a local mosque and those exercising their religion freely.

Place: Omar Ibn El-Khattab Mosque
580 Riverview Dr, Columbus, OH 43202
This is right off of Olentangy River Rd.

Time: 11:00 am

Please please call or message me if you want to talk about this or have questions.
(614) 586-5410

But Mosque Near Ohio State Campus Has History Of Attendees With Terror Ties

The Masjid Omar mosque was home to one of the largest known al-Qaeda cells since 9/11, reported PJ Media’s Patrick Poole back in August. Although only three members — Lyman Faris, Nuradin Abdi and Christopher Paul — were charged, it is known that there were over a dozen members of the cell.

Poole, a resident of Ohio, told Daily Caller the mosque is popular with OSU students.

According to Poole, a counter-terrorism expert, three persons who lived just a few yards from the mosque for two years joined ISIS in Syria in July 2014.

One of the individuals, Rasel Raihan, was killed in Syria in a U.S. airstrike, while his older sister Zakia Nasrin and her husband Jaffrey Khan are still in Raqqa, according to internal ISIS documents which NBC News obtained from an ISIS defector.

Mosque President Basil Gohar insisted to NBC earlier this year the ISIS recruits and convicted al qaeda terrorists had very little to do with their mosque.

“We share the shock and horror of these actions, and we wish that we could have found out or stopped them … It’s quite unfortunate what these people went and did, but the fact they attended has no bearing on their actions,” Gohar said. “Anyone can come to our mosque. We have an open door policy. It’s not possible for us to screen someone’s ideology.”

However, after Paul’s arrest in April 2007, the Justice Department stated in press releases and federal court filings that he was conducting training inside the mosque.

Another terror case from November 2015 showed that four men, who were former OSU students and attended Masjid Omar were charged with conspiring to send thousands of dollars to al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki between 2007 and 2009. Two were arrested and the other pair left the country.

The terrorist Carlos Bledsoe who attacked a Little Rock, Arkansas, Army recruiting center in June 2009 and murdered Army Pvt. Andy Long during the assault attended Masjid Omar between 2006 and 2007.

Just one day following the Little Rock attack, OSU student Rachel Decker was brutally attacked by another Masjid Omar attendee. Wael Kalash approached Decker at a bus stop and stabbed her in the stomach with a large knife. Kalesh was later found at the mosque.

Dr. Salah Soltan, presently in prison and under a death sentence as a result of terrorism charges from Egypt, was a resident Islamic scholar for the Islamic Society of Greater Columbus (ISGC), the parent organization of Masjid Omar, Poole notes.

“The Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal of the Group in North America” explicitly states that the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is “destroying Western civilization from within… by [the infidels’] hands and the hands of the believers so that Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

The plan is right on schedule.

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