Report Confirms Clinton Links To 'Crime Against Children'
Mark Megahan | Sunday, June 24, 2018 -- 9:35 PM EDT
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Sunday, June 24, 2018 -- 10:07 PM EDT***

The New York Police Department tried to tell the world and were silenced but Comey knew they were right.

***Article first published by the 'Conservative Daily Post' on June 19, 2018***

Jaw-dropping vindication of the New York Police Department’s stunning allegations, linking Bill and Hillary Clinton to notorious pedophiles, is quietly buried on pages 276 and 294 of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’ 500-page report. Unsurprisingly, the liberal network media isn’t saying a single word about it.

The notes of a top FBI official clearly indicate that James Comey, then-Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, knew in early October of 2016 that some of the emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop tied Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation to sick “crime against children.”

Comey still insists he didn’t even know there were Clinton emails on the device until weeks later.

For some reason, everyone connected with the Clintons seems to avoid jail or get slap on the wrist sentences. Comey just skated too.

The Inspector General believes him when he says his bias didn’t affect his decisions to clear Hillary Clinton of all charges, so there won’t be any recommended against Comey either.

Congress has the last word and right now they are still far from convinced. Our Department of Justice, even under new management, is not living up to what the watchdog committees and the general public expect from them.

The New York Police Department tried to tell the world about the disgusting evidence they found, before the election. They were ready to hold a press conference at the end of September until the FBI stepped in, took control, and threatened anyone who said a word with horrible consequences.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief reportedly said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

But, there was a “Houdini-like escape.” Director Comey re-opened the server investigation which kept the police happy in the short term, while the FBI branch of the Hillary Clinton Fan club got damage control underway.

The “mutinous” NYPD officers got “huge pushback, to the point of coercion, from the Justice Department.” Barack Obama’s DOJ went as far as threatening one officer with conveniently trumped-up criminal charges.

When the local police turned Weiner’s laptop over to the FBI they were convinced it held more than enough proof to “put Hillary and her crew away for life,” True Pundit reported in November of 2016.

According to the unnamed “law enforcement sources,” the contents of the laptop “implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top-secret emails.”

Political crimes like money laundering, obstruction of justice, and pay-for-play were only the tip of the iceberg. The shocking messages were evidence of “child exploitation” and sex “crimes with minors.”

Executive assistant director Randall Coleman had a meeting on October 4 with James Comey from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. which both men conveniently fail to remember much about. Coleman’s notes from that meeting appear on page 294 of the report.

The notes are sparse. The first three lines are numbered. “(1) Anthony Wiener [sic],” “(2) [Unrelated- (redacted)],” “(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit.”

Then things get really interesting. None of the following lines are numbered. “9/26 – Federal SW – Iphone/IPAD/Laptop” which seems to refer to the federal search warrant to obtain the devices.

“Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails.” The final count of Hillary Clinton’s emails on the machine came in at over 650,000.

After that, we aren’t talking about Weiner anymore. “Hillary Clinton & Foundation” gets its own line, followed by the unmistakable “Crime Against Children.” Plural, more than one. Not just the 15-year-old that Weiner was texting.

“We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the Criminal Investigative Division.”

Earlier in the report, on page 276, is another easily overlooked paragraph. Investigators could look into Weiner’s crimes all they wanted but not Huma Abedine’s.

“AUSA 1 advised that the case agent should review “only evidence of crimes related to the sexual exploitation of children, enticement, and obscenity” and instructed the case agent “that all emails and other communications between Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin (even if there are other parties to the communication) should be sequestered and not reviewed at this time.”

Bill Clinton was a known frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” and word around the campfire has it that Hillary joined him on at least half a dozen excursions too. Flight logs that came out in Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia trial confirm 11 of Bill Clinton’s rides. On five of those, he left his Secret Service bodyguards behind.

“Bill Clinton… associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile,” said Conchita Sarnoff, from Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking.

Epstein is famous for hosting “royal figures, heads of state, celebrities and fellow billionaires” at his private 72-acre “Orgy Island,” Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Despite hours of testimony about how his “team of traffickers” steadily “procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends,” he only spent 13 months in prison. The rest of his country-club sentence for “solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution” was done in “home detention.”

And, Comey knew it all.

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