Schweizer Explains How Obama Weaponized Regulations to Enrich His Buddies!
Robert Kraychik | Tuesday, March 20, 2018 -- 9:24 PM EDT
***Uploaded by moo and Last updated on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 -- 4:34 PM EDT***

Obama's Smash and Grab strategy allowed his rich friends to buy up companies for pennies on the dollar after market devaluations resulting from his regulatory policies. Some money made its way into Obama's Foundation. Sound familiar?

***Article originally appeared in***

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour asked Schweizer to explain Obama’s “smash and grab” policy. “Tell us about this thing with Obama because I’m looking at all the characters on your cover here of your book. … Tell us about Obama and his best friend and what they did.” Schweizer spoke of Martin Nesbitt, whom he described as Obama’s “best friend”, monetizing his knowledge of Obama’s regulatory plans.

“This one was really surprising because, I have to say, I did not think of Barack Obama as somebody who was necessarily involved in financial corruption,” replied Schweizer. “I mean, there are all these controversies or certain issues about his policies, but Barack Obama has this best friend that few people have ever heard of, a guy named Marty Nesbitt. When Barack Obama is reelected in 2012, his best friend in the world, Marty Nesbitt, sets up this private equity fund called Vistria, and Vistria says in its corporate documents, explicitly, that it is designed to invest in highly regulated industries, and when your best friend is the regulator-in-chief, I guess that makes sense, and what happens is, they make a series of investments or deals based on companies or industries that are being smashed by the Obama administration’s regulations.”

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