Trudeau sets up a $595 million slush fund for journalists — but only the ones he "trusts."
Ezra Levant | Tuesday, January 7, 2020 -- 6:51 PM EST
***Uploaded by CitizensDawn and Last updated on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 -- 6:58 PM EST***

Canada takes one more step closer to an Orwellian nightmare.

***Article first published by 'Rebel Media' on Nov. 22, 2018***

We knew it was coming. But no-one knew it would be this big.

Justin Trudeau has announced that he’s setting up a $595 million slush fund for journalists — but only ones that he “trusts”. That’s really the word: The government said the package will aim to help “trusted” news organizations.

This is unsurprising. The major journalism union has been campaigning for this for months. Just a few weeks ago, they pledged their trustworthiness to Trudeau, saying they would be a trustworthy ally to him to attack Andrew Scheer and the conservatives.

If you’re a lefty having trouble understanding this, pretend that, say, Doug Ford set up a $595 million trust fund for journalists, and appointed a journalist friend of his to dole it out, but only to people he trusts. Like maybe Kory Teneycke, his campaign staffer. Or, heck, to me.

My point is — leftists would freak out, and rightly so. But with Trudeau? I mean, look, these journalist were already pretty compliant with him without the cash. Now they’re positively obedient. With their union bosses whipping them into compliance.

TONIGHT I'll show you how some of the usual suspects in Media Party reacted to this announcement. It's very revealing...

The CBC is already in the tank for Trudeau. $1.5 billion a year ensures that, but again, they’re journalists, so they’re naturally leftists anyways.

Another $595 million sounds insane, but it’s less than half of what he gives the CBC — and he just effectively nationalized every other private sector media company in Canada.

That’s a small price to pay, to lock up the next election.

Yesterday was a huge victory day for Trudeau; and for the billionaires who own Canadian media.

But what was on Trudeau’s mind?

The Rebel Media. Seriously.

The only media company that he talked about in Parliament yesterday was us. It was an answer to a question from the Conservatives about open borders mass migration. And he mentioned The Rebel Media.

Huh? No-one mentioned the Rebel in their question. But it’s on his mind. He’s obsessed with us. Because we’re the one group in Canada he can’t buy.

And if you thought that was just a coincidence, last night, Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s handler, tweeted about us too — as he does all the time. He’s obsessed.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau drivers remarks at a business event with the Chinese Entrepreneur Club in Beijing, China Tuesday August 30, 2016. The prime minister is returning to China next week. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)


Well, you heard Trudeau. We’re the only people reporting the other side of the story — in that particular case, on immigration. On other things, too — like the theory of manmade global warming. Like civil rights for Christians. Like pro-Israel ideas. Like opposing his soft-on-terrorism stances, his love for Omar Khadr.

If it weren’t for The Rebel, it would be 100% unanimity. That’s why he hates us. In fact, the more other media sell out to him, the more aware he is that we are the last hold-out. That’s why he’s angrier and angrier at us.

I should point out that there is one little news organization that has said the same as us:

A statement from Blacklock’s Reporter. We will neither solicit nor accept @CdnHeritage media grants & have always named & shamed those who do…

OK, that’s great. I like them. But they’re pretty tiny — that’s not an insult, that’s a fact. That’s it. No-one else.

Everyone else is for sale. Sorry, it’s true.

Well, not us.

You can’t buy us. We’re paid only by our viewers, in little crowdfunding dribs and drabs — and by you, our premium subscribers, who pay $8 a month. Our average donor is about $65. That’s it. Not $565 million.

We just wouldn’t take Trudeau’s money. We couldn’t. You can’t call yourself a "rebel" and be paid by the government.

This is bad news for us in some ways — we’re going to be attacked even worse than before.

And for you, as a viewer, and for your fellow citizens, isn’t it proof that The Rebel is needed more than ever?

We don’t need $595 million to live. But $595,000 would be great — we’d pay off some old bills, spruce up the website, hire another couple of reporters, cover the 2019 election properly, and maybe even spend some money advertising that we exist.

If you want to do something constructive and productive to fight back, may I suggest doing that?

Please go to — that’s our answer to Trudeau and Butts — and help chip in.

Just Trudeau just forced you and every other Canadian to give money to our competitors.

Between this bailout and the CBC, that’s more than $2 billion — that’s $250 dollars per family.

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